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flourishn. 1. embellishment,ornament. adornment修饰,装饰,润色。 △L.L.L.2.1.13:“my beauty,though butmean,/ Needs not the painted flourish of yourpraise.”我的美貌虽然卑不足道,却不需要你来揄扬渲染。 △R.III.4.4.82:“I called thee then vain flourish ofmy fortune;”我那时把你叫做我的命运的无用的点缀。 2. gloss,varnish,superficial embellishment,meresemblance光泽,光泽的表面,表面的装饰,仅仅的外表。 △R.III.1.3.241 (240): “Poor painted queen,vainflourish of my fortune!”i.e. You are merely the un-real appearance of a queen,since I am the real queen.可怜的画出来的王后,我的幸运的虚幻的外表! 3. verbal adornment,embellishment of language,elo-quence华丽的辞藻,语言的美化。 △Ham.5. 2. 187 (180):“after what flourish your nature will.” i.e. withwhatever embellishment of language,etc.措词方面随你加上什么花样都行。 △L.L.L. 4.3.238 (234):“Lend methe flourish of all gentle tongues”,请借给我所有能言善辩之士的生花妙舌。 4. fanfare of trumpets喇叭的嘹亮吹奏声,喇叭花腔。 △Mer.3.2.48:“Then music is/Even as the flourishwhen true subjects bow/To a new-crowned mon-arch:”那么音乐就算是忠实臣民拜见新加冕的君王时的礼乐。 5. fanfare of trumpets to announce the arrival of anillustrious person(舞台上的)喇叭花腔(宣告显赫人物上场)。 △R.III.2.1.0.s.d.:“Flourish. Enter the KingEdward,sick,the Queen Elizabeth,Lord MarquessDorset,Rivers,Hastings,Catesby,Buckingham,Grey,and others.”喇叭花腔。国王爱德华带病上,伊利莎白王后、道尔塞特侯爵、利佛斯、海斯丁斯、凯茨贝、白金汉、葛雷及其他人上。
flourishvt. sound a fanfare吹奏。 △Mid.5.1.107 s.d.:“Flourish trumpet.”喇叭吹奏花腔。 ~ vi. 1. thrive,be prosperous兴旺,昌盛。 △R.III.5.3.131(130):“Live and flourish !”愿你好好活着、百事昌盛! 2.❶shoot forth,blossom抽芽,开花。 ❷thrive,pros-per,succeed繁荣昌盛,成功。 △1H.VI.2.4.110:“Untilit wither with me to my grave,/Or flourish to theheight of my degree.”直到它要么跟我一同枯萎、死亡,要么跟我的地位高升一同繁荣昌盛。 flourish[ˈflʌriʃ]v.&n. 装饰,炫耀,繁荣,兴旺,蓬勃发展 ◇ flourish commerce with civilization 以文兴商 in full flourish 繁荣昌盛,蓬勃发展 ‖ flourishing adj. 茂盛的,繁荣昌盛的 |