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单词 five


num. five wits: five intellectual powers.i.e.commonsense,imagination,fantasy,judgement,memory 五种智能(指常识,想像,幻想,判断,记忆)。
△Rom.1.4.46:“Take our good meaning,for our judgement sitsFive times in that ere once in our five wits.” i.e. Un-derstand our literal,simple meaning,in which oursound opinion is much more often found than in theclever explanations suggested by our five wits. 请了解我们的简单的本意,因为简单的言辞胜过花言巧语。
△Tw.4.2.94 (86): “how fell you besides your five wits?”你怎么会弄得失去你的理智(发疯)了呢?
△Ado.1.1.66 (65):“Inour last conflict four of his five wits went haltingoff,”在我们上次的冲突中,他的五项才智倒有四项踱脚逃走。


num.五,五个 n. 五个一组
‖ five-act-play 五幕话剧
Five-Animal Exercises 五禽戏
five-arm balance 五臂平衡
five-a-side 五人为一方
five-aside ball game五人一边的球赛
five-a-side game 五对五练习赛
five colours 瓷器的五彩
five elements五行
five fouls by player 队员五次犯规
Five Goods Family 五好家庭
five-hit bout 以刺中五剑决胜的一场比赛
five judges award 五人裁判评分
Five Knights’ Case 五骑士案件(1627年)/ five lesson steps 五段教学法
five-line staff 五线谱
five-man defence 区域联防,五人联防
five-man figure of eight 五人8字进攻
five-man roll 五人8字进攻配合
five-man service reception 五人接发球阵式
five-man shifting defence 五人补位联防
five-man weave 五人8字进攻配合
five-man zone 五人区域联防
five men line defence formation 五人防线阵式
five methods of groping for feel 揣摩五法
five-metre platform 五米跳台
Five-Miles Act五英里法(1665年)/ five-minute penalty 五分钟大罚
five minutes’ suspension 罚出场五分钟
Five Nations 易洛魁联盟
five-one defence 五一防守
five-one system 五一配备
five point jack 五簧片塞孔
five-point scale 五级分制
five-point system 五分制
five points 射箭五要点
five positions 五种步法
Five Power Constitution 五权宪法
five ranks register marks 五级记分法
five-second rule 五秒钟规则
five-second violation 五秒钟违例
five senses 五感
five sets match 五局制比赛
five-star film 五星级电影,一流的影片,票房率最高的影片
five-star general五星上将
five-star hotels 五星级饭店
five thousand metres 五千米(比赛)/ five tone scale 五声音阶
five types of ethical theory 伦理学的五种形态
Five “W’s ”of News 新闻五要素
five-yard mark 女子球场的五码点
five-yard line 五码线
fives-court 壁手球场
fifteen[ˈfifˈti:n]num. 十五
fifteen all 一平
fifteen-ball billiards 十五球台球,十五球弹子戏
fifteen hundred metres 一千五百米(赛跑)/ fifteenth[ˈfifˈti:nθ]adj. 第十五的
fifth[fifθ]adj. 第五的
fifty-fifty adj.平分为二的
fifth invito第五姿势挑引,第五斜线姿势
fifty[ˈfifti]num. 五十
fifty kilometre road walk 五十公里竞走
fifty-moves rule 五十回合规则
fifty-six-pound weight throw 56 磅链球掷远)/ fifty yard line 五十码线
fivette[ˈfivet]n. 五页斜纹里子布





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