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单词 fine


1. end,result,conclusion结果,结局,结论。
△Ado.1.1.255 (244):“and the fine is … I will live a bachelor.”结论就是:我愿意永久做个单身汉。
△Ham.2.2.69:“and infine,” i.e. in the end,finally. 最后。
△Ham.5.1.113(106):“Is this the fine of his fines,”这就是他罚款罚出来的结果吗?
2. penalty (pecuniary or other),punishment惩罚(罚款等)。
△Rom.3.1.196(190):“So strong a fine”,沉重的惩罚。
3. penance for an offence悔过,忏悔。
△Rom.1.5.97(93):“If I profane with my unworthiest hand / Thisholy shrine,the gentle fine is this,”如果我的贱手亵渎了这座神龛,那就这样来赎罪吧。
4. fine or a sum of money paid to a landlord as ameans of transferring his lands to another转移土地产权的赔款。
△Ham.5.1.110 (103):“This fellow might bein ’s (i.e.his) time a great buyer of land,with hisstatutes,his recognizances,his fines,”这家伙在生前也许是个土地大买主,背条令、立地契、拿赔款…。 fine and recovery: (Legal term) procedures by whicha limited estate was converted into a fee-simple,i.e. absolute ownership “纳款改契”或“赔款收回”——将有限继承的地产变为永久完全占有、取得绝对所有权的法律手续。
△Wiv.4.2.228 (211): “If the devil have him not infee-simple,with fine and recovery,he will never,Ithink,in the way of waste,attempt us again.” 只要魔鬼没有通过法律手续把他永久绝对占有,我想他出来胡闹时再也不会冒犯我们了。
△Com.2.2.76 (74):“May he not do itby fine and recovery?”他不能用赔款的办法收回吗?


1. thin,slender,small,minute 细的,纤弱的,小的,微小的
△Rom.2.1. 19:“By her fine foot,”凭着她纤小的双足。
2. elegant,beautiful,exquisitely fashioned,delicate优美的,美好的,精致的,敏感的。
△Tw.1.1.32: “she thathath a heart of that fine frame”,她具有这么一颗美好的心。
3. refined,subtle,affected高雅的,微妙难测的,矫揉造作的。
△1H.IV.4.1.1:“If speaking truth / In this fineage were not thought flattery,”如果在这种难以捉摸的时代,说实话,不被人认为是恭维。
4. refined,pure,exquisite 精密的,纯洁的,敏锐的。
△Ham. 4. 5. 160(160):“Nature is fine in love,” i.e.Human nature is refined in matters of love; filial loveis exquisite in its working. 人的天性在深情中最是敏锐。
5. consummate,superior至高无上的,高超的。
△Shr. 51.67 (66):“O fine villain!”啊,好一个坏蛋!
△Wiv. 5.1.18(17):“That same knave Ford,her husband,hath the finest mad devil of jealousy in him,MasterBrook,that ever governed frenzy.”那个坏蛋福德,她的丈夫,像是有个最大的吃醋鬼附了体,布鲁克先生,他简直如同发了疯一样。
6. handsomely dressed穿戴漂亮的。
△Shr.2.1.311(317): “I will be sure my Katharine shall be fine.”我一定要把我的凯瑟丽娜打扮得花枝招展。
△Shr.4.1.139(136): “There were none fine but Adam,Rafe,andGregory”,除了亚当、拉夫和葛雷古利之外,都穿得不像样子。
7. exquisitely beautiful,superficially attractive,elabo-rate and artificial艳丽的,惹眼的,雕饰的。
△Ham.2.2.475 (445): “by very much more handsome than fine.”壮丽而不流于纤巧。(又译:比起表面艳丽的作品要优美得多了。)


ad. mincingly装腔作势地。
△L.L.L.5.1.22 (19):“as to speak ‘dout ’,fine,when he should say‘doubt’;”该说doubt的时候,他偏装腔作势地说成dout(按:莎士比亚时,doubt一词中的b应该读出音。)


vt. pay as a fine or penalty,fix as the amount ofpayment,stake(作为罚款)付出,确定(支付数额),以…打赌
△H.V.4.7.72 (68):“How now,what means this. herald? / Know’st thou not / That I have fined thesebones of mine for ransom?”怎么,这是什么意思,使者? 难道你不知道我已经拿出我这一副骨头作为赎金的吗?


v. 罚款/ n. 罚款,罚金
‖ arbitrary fines 乱罚款
fine for delayed payment 滞纳金
fine slip 罚款通知单
finable =fineable adj. 可罚款的
fine-tooth-comb v.仔细,搜查详细调查


adj.美好的,优秀的,晴朗的,细致的,精美的/ v. 使精细,精制
‖ fine art 美术作品
fine arts academy 美术学院
fine arts education 美术教育
fine arts lessons 美术课
fine arts repository 美术品陈列室
fine arts 美术
fine bank bill 优等银行票据,优等银行汇票
fine ceramics 细陶瓷
fine character 品格高尚者
fine china 精瓷
fine chrominance primary 主基色
fine control 精密控制
fine cut 轻切法
fine definition 高清晰度
fine details 细节
fine discount rate 优惠贴现率
fine earthenware 精陶
fine edition handsome copy 精美版
fine feathers 时装
fine folks 名流
fine gentleman花花公子
fine gold 纯金
fine lady 时髦女子
fine manner 细腻的雕刻风格
fine measurement 精密测量
fine orientation 精确定向
fine play 漂亮的战术(打法)/ fine profile 薄翼侧
fine resolution 高分辨能力
fine sliver 纯银
fine streamline body 细长流线体
fine tracking 精确跟踪
fine works 精品
finable = fineable adj.可精制的
finecomb v. 仔细搜查,详细调查
finedraw v.拉丝,细缝,细致研究
finely adv.细致地,美好地
fineness n. 精细,精度,美好,优良
finery n. 装饰
finespun adj.拉丝的,细纺的,空洞的
fine-tooth-comb v. 仔细搜查,详细调查





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