finance[faiˈnæns];[fiˈnæns]n. 财政(学),金融,金融学 v. 供给,资金,投资 ‖ finance act 金融法案 finance agent 财务代理人 finance agreement 财政协定 finance and economic activities 财经活动 finance and economic discipline 财经纪律 Finance and Economy Committee 财务经济委员会 finance and management 财务与管理 finance and trade school 财贸学校 fiuance bill 拨款法案,融通票据,融通汇票 finance bureau 财政局 finance bureau circular memorandum财政局通函 finance capital 金融资本 finance charges 财务费用 Finance Committee财务委员会 finance company 财务公司,金融公司,证券公司 finance contract 信贷合同 finance corporation 金融财团 Finance Department 财务部 finance director 财务经理 finance functional constituency 金融界功能界别 finance house 财务公司,金融公司,信贷公司 Finance House association 金融公司联合会 finance house deposit market 金融公司存款市场 finance indicators 财务指标 finance lease 金融租赁 finance lease commitment 融资租赁承担 finance market 金融市场 finance of socialism 社会主义财政学 finance officer 财务军官 finance project 金融工程 finance subloans 提供转贷款 finance subsector 金融界界别分组 finance swap transaction 金融换汇交易 finances of state国家财政收入 Ministry of Finance 财政部 financing activities 筹资活动 financing arrangement 财务安排 financing bank 提供资金的银行 financing body 筹资机构,融资机构 financing capital 金融资本 financing channels 融资渠道 financing corporation 金融公司 financing cost 融资成本 financing lease 金融性租赁,融资租赁 financing mix’s risk and reward 融资组合的风险和回报 financing operations 融资业务 financing organizations 融资机构 financing plan 财务计划 financing requirement 资金要求 financing structure 金融体系,金融机构 financial adj.财政的,金融的 financial ability 财力 financial accommodation 财务通融 financial accountability 财政责任 financial accountancy 财务会计 financial accounting 财政计算,财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计标准委员会 Financial Action Task Force (FATF)金融行动专责委员会 finance accounts 财务账目 financial administration 财务管理 financial administration and management 财务管理 financial adviser 财务顾问,金融顾问 financial affairs 财务 financial agreement 财政协定,金融协定 financial aid 补助金,财政补助,财政援助 financial aid package 大学助学金 financial allocation 财政拨款 financial analysis 财务分析 Financial and Accounting Regulations 《财务及会计规例》/financial and economic laws and discipline 财经法纪 financial and economic order 财经秩序 financial and economic section 财经部门 financial and economic system 财经制度 financial and human management 财务及人力资源管理 financial and monetary crisis 货币金融危机 financial appraisal 财政评估工作 financial appropriation 财政拨款 financial arrangement 财务安排 financial asset management companies 金融资产管理公司 financial assets 金融资产 financial assets and liabilities accounts 金融资产负债账 financial assets managemnt 金融资产管理 financial assistance 经济援助,财政援助 financial audit 财务审计 financial autonomy 财政自主权,财政自主,财政独立 financial bill金融票据 financial bond 金融债券 financial bonus 财政红利 financial books 财务账簿 financial broker 金融经纪人 financial budgeting 财务预算编制 financial budget 财务预算 financial burden 财政负担 financial capacity 清偿能力 financial capital 金融资本 financial capitalism 金融资本主义 financial center 金融中心 financial center acceptance credit 金融中心承兑信用 financial charge 财政支出 financial circle 金融界 financial circular 财务通告 financial circular memorandum 财务通函 financial circulation 金融流通 financial circumstances 财政状况 financial claim 财务金融要求权 financial clique 财阀 financial clique 金融集团 financial committee 财政委员会 financial community 金融界 financial company 金融公司 financial compensation 财政补贴 financial condition 财务状况 financial conglomerate 财资企业集团 financial constraint 金融紧缩 financial contribution 财政捐款,出资 financial control system 财务控制制度 financial controller 财务主任 financial corporation 金融公司 financial cost财务费用,财务成本 financial cost management 财务成本管理 financial criminal activities 金融犯罪 financial crisis 财政危机,金融危机 Financial Crisis in Asia 亚洲金融危机 financial data processing 金融数据处理 financial debts 财政债务 financial deficits 财政赤字 financial depression 金融萧条 financial deregulation 金融自由化 financial difficulty 资金困难 financial discipline 财务纪律 Financial Disclosure by Locally Incorporated Authorized Institutions 《本地注册认可机构披露财务数据》 / financial district 金融区 financial dividend 财政盈余 financial document 金融单据 financial duty财政关税 financial exchange rate 金融汇率 financial executive 财务主管 financial expenditure 财政支出 financial expense 财务开支,财务风险 financial flow 资金流量 financial futures 金融期货 financial futures contract 金融期货契约 financial futures hedge 金融期货保值 financial futures market金融期货市场 financial futures trading 金融期货交易 financial group 财团,金融集团 financial guarantee 财政担保 financial hardship 经济困难 financial house 金融机构,金融商行(号)/ financial implication 财政负担,财政影响 financial incentive 财务奖励 financial income 财务收益 financial indemnity 财政补偿 financial index 财务指标 financial industry 金融业 financial information system 金融咨询系统 financial insolvency 无力支付 financial institution 金融机构 financial institution for foreign exchange外汇金融机构 financial institution’s deposit金融机构同业存款 financial institutions 金融机构 financial instrument 金融工具 financial instrument futures 金融期货 financial integrity 财政健全 financial interests 金融权益 financial interests group 金融界 financial intermediary 金融中介(机构)/ financial intermediation 金融中介现象,金融中介 financial interrelation ratio 金融相互关系比率 financial investigation 财务调查 financial investment 财政投资,金融投资 financial law 金融法 financial laws and regulations 财政法规 financial lease 财务租赁,金融租赁,融资租赁 financial leasing 金融租赁 financial leverage 财务杠杆 financial levies 摊派 financial liabilities 金融负债 financial liquidity 清偿能力 financial loan 金融性贷款 financial magnate 金融寡头 financial management 财务管理,金融管理 financial management and analysis 财务管理与分析 financial manager 财务经理 financial manager assistant 财务经理助理 financial market 金融市场 Financial Market Development Task Force 财经市场发展专责小组 financial marketing 金融市场学 financial matter 资金问题 financial maturity 经济成熟期 financial measures 金融措施 financial mechanism 金融机制 financial monopoly 金融垄断 financial network 财务网络 financial news 股票信息,证券报表 financial news composite index 金融新闻综合指数 financial newsletter 金融情报 financial normalization 金融正常化 financial obligation债务 financial officer 财务主任 financial operation 财政业务,金融活动 financial organ 金融机构,金融机关 financial paper 金融票据 financial policy 财务政策,金融政策 financial position (standing)财务状况 financial position statement 财务状况表,资产负债表 financial power 财力 financial product 金融产品 financial proposal 财务建议 financial provision 财政条文 financial prudence 财政稳健政策 financial quantitative control 金融数量管制 financial quantitative regulation 金融数量管理 financial quarter 金融界 financial rate 金融汇率 financial ratio 财务比率 financial ratio analysis 财务比率分析 financial records 财务账 financial regulation 财务监管,财务条例 financial rehabilitation 金融恢复 financial reorganization 金融改组 financial reporter财务报告人 financial reporting 财务申报,财务报表 financial reporting procedures 会计报告程序 financial reports 财务报告 financial requirement 融资要求 financial resources 财力,财源,资金 Financial Resources Rules (FRR) 《财政资源规则》financial resources transfer 资金转移 financial responsibility 支付能力 financial results财务业绩,财务收益 financial revenue and expenditure 财务收支 financial revenue 财务收入 financial risk 财务风险,金融风险 financial rules and regulations 财务规章制度 financial sanctions 财政制裁 Financial Secretary 财政司司长 financial secretary’s office 财政司司长办公室 financial sector 财政部门 financial self-sufficiency 资金自足 financial service 金融服务 financial service sector 金融服务业 financial service supplier金融服务提供商 Financial Services Act (英国) 《金融服务法令》 / Financial Services Authority (FSA)英国金融业管理局 financial services bureau 财经事务局 financial services functional constituency 金融服务界功能界别 financial services subsector 金融服务界界别分组 financial settlement 财务结算 financial shareholder 财政股东 financial situation 财务状况 financial sources 财源,资金来源 financial special items 财政专户 financial standards 财务标准 financial statement 决算,财务报表,财务报告 financial statement analysis 财务报表分析 financial statement of account 账户财务报表 financial statistics 财政统计,金融统计 financial status 财务状况 financial strain 资金紧张 financial strength 财力 financial structure 财务结构,金融结构 financial subsides财政补贴 financial supermarket 金融超级市场 financial supervision 财务监督 financial support 资金支持 financial support fund 财政援助基金 financial supporting 财务保障 financial syndicate 金融财团 financial system 财务体系,金融体系,金融制度,金融系统 financial system reform 金融体制改革 financial target 财务指标 financial tariff 财政关税 financial tariff free 财政关税减免 Financial Times index 《金融时报》指数 Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares 《金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数 Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index 《金融时报》工业股票指数 Financial Times Stock Index 《金融时报》股票价格指数 financial transaction 财务事项 financial transaction accounts 财务往来账户 financial unrest 金融动荡 financial vehicle 筹资工具 financial world 金融界 financial year 财政年度,会计年度 financially adv. financially troubled company 财政遇到困难的公司 financier n. 财政家,金融家/ v. 从事金融欺诈活动 |