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单词 fill


1. make full 使充满。
△R.III.1.4.143 (139):“It fills aman full of obstacles.”它使一个人处处碰上障碍。
2. replenish 使完整,补充。
△H.V.1.2.161:“whom she(i.e.England) did send to France / To fill KingEdward’s fame with prisoner kings. ” (The otherprisoner king was the king of France.) 随后又把他作为两个国王俘虏之一,送到法兰西去,以光大爱德华国王的威名。
vi. fulfill 履行,完成。
△H.VIII.3.2. 170 (169): “Myendeavours / Have ever come too short of mydesires,/ Yet filled with my abilities.”(filled: othereditions have accepted “filed”= kept pace,marched. )我总感到力不从心,但是我已经鞠躬尽瘁,能做的事都做到了。


v. 充满,填充,装满,供应,担任,使普及,满足 n.满足,充分,填方,配方
◇ fill a gap 填补空白,弥补缺陷
fill a post 担任,出任,履任
fill in 填充(满),填写,暂代,临时补缺
fill in a form 填表格
fill one’s shoes 就位
fill out 填写,填好,使长大,变大
fill sb. in on 向…提供有关事实 (详情)fill up 填写,填补,装满,占用
fill up time 消磨时间
fill with 充满
‖ fill in a form and submit it to the leadership 填报
fill in a vacancy 补缺
fill-in bar 节奏填充小节
fill-in question 填空问句
fill-in variation 节奏填充变奏
fill light 辅助光
fill-or-kill (FOK)全数配对否则取消
fill-or-kill order 成交或取消指令
fill the gaps 填补空白
fill the lanes 跑到快攻中的既定路线上去
fill vacancies in the proper order递补
filled gold 镀金金属
filling of one’s mind 知识的充实
filling station 加油站
fill-in n. 节奏填充
filler n. 补白,补白短片,补充人员,填充物
filler lighting 辅助光照明
filler pigment 填充颜料
filler replacement 补缺兵员
filling n. 装满,填充,加注,填料
fill-up n. 填补,加注





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