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单词 figure


1. bodily shape,form,image 形体,形状,形象。
△R.III.1.2.5:“Poor key-coldfigure of a holy king.”一位神圣的君王的可怜的、冰冷的形体。
△H.VIII.1.1.224: “Iam the shadow of poor Buckingham.Whose figure even this instant cloud puts on”,我现在只是可怜的白金汉的影子,此刻他的形象已被乌云遮盖。


2. appearance,form,semblance 外貌,形状,样子。
△Ado.1.1.14: “doing in the figure of a lamb thefeats of a lion.”看样子像一头羔羊,作起战来却像一头狮子。
3. fancy,phantasm想像,幻影。
△Wiv.4.2.234 (216):“scrape the figures out of your husband’s brains. ”i.e.clear your husband’s brain of phantasms 消除你丈夫脑海里的幻影。
4. intention,design 意图,企图。
△Oth.1.1.62: “Thenative act and figure of my heart”,我内心的真实动机和意图。
5. design,plan设计,计划。
△2H.IV.1.3.43: “Andwhen we see the figure of the house. / Then must werate the cost of the erection.”我们看了房屋的设计,然后就要计算建筑的费用。
6. device,subterfuge巧计,托词。
△Gent.2.1.156(148):“why,she wooes you by a figure.”她是拐着弯儿向您求爱。
7. figure of speech,turn of rhetoric,rhetorical formof expression修辞手段,词藻,修辞说法。
△Ham.2.2.98:“a foolish figure,” 多蠢的舞文弄墨。
△Shr.1.2.115(113):“he will throw a figure in her face”,他就会把一大堆俏皮话劈头盖脸地向她抛去。
△L.L.L.1.2.59 (55):“A most fine figure!”真是善于辞令(真会说话)。
△L.L.L5.1.68 (64): “What is the figure?”说的是什么俏皮话?
△As.5.1.46(41):“For it is a figure in rhetoric thatdrink,being poured out of a cup into a glass,by fill-ing the one doth empty the other.”(i.e. William is tobe the other,and go away empty-handed.)修辞学上有这么一个譬喻,把酒从一个碗里倒在另一只杯子里,满了这一个便空了那一个。(按:意思说威廉便是“那 一个”,注定要空手而去。)
8. figurative comparison,point of likeness,resem-blance,parallel 象征的比较,相似之点,相似,相似处。
△H.V.4.7.35 (33): “for there is figures in allthings.”因为在万事万物当中都有相似之处。
9. character to represent number数字。
△Lr.1.4.213(192): “now thou art an O without a figure.” i.e.Now you are nothing. (A figure before O is necessary to make it a number.)现在你不过是个零。
10. horoscope,astrological diagram算命天宫图,星象图表。
by the figure: (witchcraft) by drawing up astrologicaldiagrams or by marking wax figures or effigies of vic-tims to induce sickness or death by sticking pins intothem(巫术)通过绘制星象图表,或通过制作受害人的小蜡像,扎上钉子,以使其害病或死亡。
△Wiv.4.2.188 (176): “She works by charms,by spells,by the figure,and suchdaubery as this is,beyond our element;”她使用画符、咒语、大宫图这一类的鬼把戏来骗人,我们完全不懂。
11.❶figures of speech修辞手段。
△1H.IV.1.3.209: “He apprehends a world offigures here,” i.e. He is entirely carried away by hisimagination. 他现在设想出许许多多形象。(又译:他现在正耽于幻想。)
12.❶arithmetical figure数字。
❷plan. design计划,设计。
△2H.IV.1.3. 55: “or else / We fortify in paperand in figures,/ Using the names of men in stead ofmen,”要不然我们只能在纸上用数字来修建工程(又译:加强防御),使用的不是人力而是人名。
❷character to re-present number,numerical symbol数字,数码。
△Oth.4.2.52(53):“but,alas,to make me / The fixed fig-ure (i.e.eternal object) for the time of scorn / Topoint his slow unmoving finger at!”可是,唉,叫我在这充满轻蔑的时代,做了世人拿指头不断指指点点的对象! (按:此处原以钟表上的数字作比,时针走得很慢,仿佛未动,好像一直指向某一数字,用此比喻受世人指点嘲笑者的窘态。)


1. symbolize. represent象征,代表。
△2H.IV.4.1.45:“Whose white investments figure innocence. Thedove,and very blessed spirit of peace.”你的白色法衣象征着纯洁无瑕、鸽子和幸福的和平天使。
△Mid.1.1.237:“Wings,and no eyes. figure unheedy haste;”有翅膀,没眼睛,象征鲁莽的急躁。
2. show,reveal 显示,揭示。
△2H.IV.3.1.80:“There isa history in all men’s lives,/ Figuring the nature ofthe time deceased,”在所有人的一生当中都经历过一段历史,它能显示出以往时代事物的性质。
3. portray,express 描绘,表达。
△R.III.1.2.194(193“’Tis figured in my tongue.”在我的语言里已经表达出来了。
4. prefigure,portend,foretell,reveal预示,预兆,预告,揭示。
△3H.VI.2.1.32: “In this the heaven figuressome event.”通过这个景象,上天一定预兆着什么事件。


n. 图,图形,图表,图案,插图,外形,形状,人物,肖像,舞蹈队形,姿态,轮廓,符号,数字,价格,估价,金额/ v. 预测,估计,计算,用数字表示,用图表示,描绘,描写,想象,塑造
◇ be figured by the formula 用分式计算
cut a fine figure 崭露头角
cut a poor figure 出丑
figure as 扮演…角色
figure for 谋取
figure in 包括,算入
figure on 把…估计在内,指望,期望,计划
figure out 合计为,解决,断定
figure up 把…总加起来,计算… in round figures (numbers)以整(约)数表示,总而言之,大概
keep figure 保持苗条身材
‖ figure dance 形象舞
figure design 图形设计
figure drawing 人体素描
figure ground 形象背景
figure head 傀儡
figure-eight 8 字形,8字飞行
figure eight swing exercise 8 字形挥棒练习
figure four scissors 骑,4字形缠腿
figure matching 配图
figure of fun 姿态滑稽的人
figure of eight 溜冰8字花式
figure-of-eight knot 单8字结
figure of three 3字形滑冰
figure painting 人物画
figure six6字形
figure skating 冰上芭蕾,花样滑冰
figure stone 寿山石
figured bass 数字低音
figured cloth 花布
figured glass 压花玻璃
figured language 图形语言
figured satin 花缎
figured twills 花纹斜纹
figured wired glass 雕花嵌丝玻璃
ground perception 形象背景知觉
non-figuratif n. 非具象艺术
porcelain figurine 瓷俑
pottery figurine 陶俑
three-colour figurine 三彩俑
wooden figurine 木俑
figurability n. 能定形性
figurable adj. 可以定形的,可以成形的
figural adj.象征的,比喻的,用图表
figural art具象艺术
figural feature 人物特写
figurate=figurated adj. 定形的
figured adj.图解的,图示的,形象的
figurehead n.装饰船头的雕像
figureless adj. 无图形的,无数字的
figurine n. 小雕像,小像
figuration n. 轮廓,图案装饰法,外形
figurative adj. 用数字
figurative art 造型艺术
figurative author 造型作家
figurative design 造型设计
figurative mark 图形商标
figurative thought 形象思维





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