单词 | figure |
释义 | figuren. figo 2. appearance,form,semblance 外貌,形状,样子。 △Ado.1.1.14: “doing in the figure of a lamb thefeats of a lion.”看样子像一头羔羊,作起战来却像一头狮子。 3. fancy,phantasm想像,幻影。 △Wiv.4.2.234 (216):“scrape the figures out of your husband’s brains. ”i.e.clear your husband’s brain of phantasms 消除你丈夫脑海里的幻影。 4. intention,design 意图,企图。 △Oth.1.1.62: “Thenative act and figure of my heart”,我内心的真实动机和意图。 5. design,plan设计,计划。 △2H.IV.1.3.43: “Andwhen we see the figure of the house. / Then must werate the cost of the erection.”我们看了房屋的设计,然后就要计算建筑的费用。 6. device,subterfuge巧计,托词。 △Gent.2.1.156(148):“why,she wooes you by a figure.”她是拐着弯儿向您求爱。 7. figure of speech,turn of rhetoric,rhetorical formof expression修辞手段,词藻,修辞说法。 △Ham.2.2.98:“a foolish figure,” 多蠢的舞文弄墨。 △Shr.1.2.115(113):“he will throw a figure in her face”,他就会把一大堆俏皮话劈头盖脸地向她抛去。 △L.L.L.1.2.59 (55):“A most fine figure!”真是善于辞令(真会说话)。 △L.L.L5.1.68 (64): “What is the figure?”说的是什么俏皮话? △As.5.1.46(41):“For it is a figure in rhetoric thatdrink,being poured out of a cup into a glass,by fill-ing the one doth empty the other.”(i.e. William is tobe the other,and go away empty-handed.)修辞学上有这么一个譬喻,把酒从一个碗里倒在另一只杯子里,满了这一个便空了那一个。(按:意思说威廉便是“那 一个”,注定要空手而去。) 8. figurative comparison,point of likeness,resem-blance,parallel 象征的比较,相似之点,相似,相似处。 △H.V.4.7.35 (33): “for there is figures in allthings.”因为在万事万物当中都有相似之处。 9. character to represent number数字。 △Lr.1.4.213(192): “now thou art an O without a figure.” i.e.Now you are nothing. (A figure before O is necessary to make it a number.)现在你不过是个零。 10. horoscope,astrological diagram算命天宫图,星象图表。 by the figure: (witchcraft) by drawing up astrologicaldiagrams or by marking wax figures or effigies of vic-tims to induce sickness or death by sticking pins intothem(巫术)通过绘制星象图表,或通过制作受害人的小蜡像,扎上钉子,以使其害病或死亡。 △Wiv.4.2.188 (176): “She works by charms,by spells,by the figure,and suchdaubery as this is,beyond our element;”她使用画符、咒语、大宫图这一类的鬼把戏来骗人,我们完全不懂。 11.❶figures of speech修辞手段。 ❷image,fancy形象,幻想。 △1H.IV.1.3.209: “He apprehends a world offigures here,” i.e. He is entirely carried away by hisimagination. 他现在设想出许许多多形象。(又译:他现在正耽于幻想。) 12.❶arithmetical figure数字。 ❷plan. design计划,设计。 △2H.IV.1.3. 55: “or else / We fortify in paperand in figures,/ Using the names of men in stead ofmen,”要不然我们只能在纸上用数字来修建工程(又译:加强防御),使用的不是人力而是人名。 13.❶shape,semblance形状,样子。 ❷character to re-present number,numerical symbol数字,数码。 △Oth.4.2.52(53):“but,alas,to make me / The fixed fig-ure (i.e.eternal object) for the time of scorn / Topoint his slow unmoving finger at!”可是,唉,叫我在这充满轻蔑的时代,做了世人拿指头不断指指点点的对象! (按:此处原以钟表上的数字作比,时针走得很慢,仿佛未动,好像一直指向某一数字,用此比喻受世人指点嘲笑者的窘态。) figurevt. figure[ˈfigə]n. 图,图形,图表,图案,插图,外形,形状,人物,肖像,舞蹈队形,姿态,轮廓,符号,数字,价格,估价,金额/ v. 预测,估计,计算,用数字表示,用图表示,描绘,描写,想象,塑造 |
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