释义 |
fetchn. 1. device. trick 策略,手腕。 △Ham.2.1.38:“And I be-lieve it is a fetch of warrant. ”i.e.a permitted trick,a legitimate trick,a device warranted to succeed. 我觉得这是合理的计策。(又译:我相信这是一个管保成功的策略。)2. excuse,subterfuge pretext辩解,遁词,借口。 △Lr.2.4. 90 (89):“Mere fetches,”不过是借口。
fetchvt. 1. take,derive拿,取得。 △2H.IV.2.2.129 (117) :“Nay,they will be kin to us,or they will fetch it fromJaphet.”i.e. If they cannot claim direct royal kin-ship,they will their kinship with us descending fromJaphet,father of all Europeans. 可不嘛,他们总是要跟我们攀上亲戚关系,要不然他们就把亲戚关系从雅弗那时候算起。 △Oth. 1.2. 21:“I fetch my life and being / Frommen of royal siege,”我的生命和存在取自于具有皇家身份的人;我本是皇族的后代。 △H.V.2.2.116:“and with formsbeing fetched / From glistering semblances of piety:”并且拿光辉灿烂的神圣外衣当做伪装。 2. draw,heave吸入,(沉重、吃力地)发出。 △1H.IV.2.4.587 (530):“Hark how hard he fetches breath.”听他吸气出气多么吃力。 Phrases: fetch in: ❶take in接纳。 △H.V.5.Cho.26:“Like tothe senators of the antique Rome,/ With the plebe-ians swarming at their heels,/ Go forth and fetchtheir Conquering Caesar in;”就像古代罗马的元老们一样,有大群的平民跟随在他们后边,走出来迎接得胜的凯撒归来。 ❷close in upon,capture,seize围住,夺得,抓住。 △H.VIII.1.1.78:“and his own letter,/ The honourable Boardof Council out,/ Must fetch him in he papers.”只凭他个人一封信,连枢密院都置之不顾,凡是被他开在名单上的人就得参加。 ❸take in,cheat欺骗,欺诈。 △Ado.1.1.233(223):“You speak this to fetch me in,my lord.”殿下,你这样说乃是诈我。 fetch off: get the better of,fleece,cheat,delude占…的上风,敲诈,欺骗,哄骗。 △2H.IV.3.2. 327 (301):“As Ireturn,I will fetch off these justices.”等我回来,我要把这两个法官敲诈一番。 fetch[fetʃ]v. 拿来,提取,吸引,发生 n. 对岸距离 ◇ fetch in 引进,吸引 fetch off 杀死,使摆脱困境 fetch up 产生,使停止,到达 |