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单词 fence


1. defence防御(物)。
△3H.VI.4.1.43: “Let us bebacked with God,and with the seas,/ Which he hathgiven for fence impregnable,”让我们就依靠上帝和上帝所赐给我们的坚不可摧的防御物海洋来支持我们吧
2. fencing,skill in fencing击剑,剑术。
△Wiv.1.1.297(284):“a master of fence”,击剑教师。
△Tw.3.4.315(284):“and so cunning in fence.” 并且剑术这样精巧。
△Ado.5.1.75:“nice fence”.i.e. dexterous fencing.敏捷的剑术。
△2H.VI.2.1.51 (50):“Now,by God’sMother. priest. I’ll shave your crown for this. / Or allmy fence shall fail ”现在,教士,凭着上帝的母亲发誓,为了这个我要把你的秃头剃光,否则我的剑术就算完全白学。
△2H.VI.2.3.79 (77): “for I am never able to dealwith my master,he hath learnt so much fence alread-y.”因为我一定打不过我的师傅,他学过那么多剑术。


vt. protect,defend保护,保卫。
△3H.VI.2.6.75:“Where’s Captain Margaret to fence you now?”你的总指挥玛格利特在哪里,她怎么不来保护你?
△3H.VI.3.3.98:“Can Oxford,that did ever fence the right,/ Nowbuckler falsehood with a pedigree?”你牛津,向来是保卫正义的,如今却搬出一份宗谱来庇护谬误吗?


n.栅栏,篱笆,警戒线,击剑(术),跑道进口,黑货市场 v. 用围栏围住,搪塞,击剑
◇ fence in = fence about 围起 (进) / fence off=fence out 隔开,避免
fence with 搪塞,回避
stand on the fence 观望,犹豫未决
‖ fence against satellite threats 反卫星系统
fence coverage 警戒范围
fence pass 反弹传球
fence post 栅栏桩7~10号柱
fencing a barrage 开始重赛
fencing association 击剑协会
fencing bag 击剑袋
fencing breeches 击剑裤
fencing clothes 击剑服
fencing distance 击剑距离
fencing foil 钝头剑
fencing glove 击剑手套
fencing hall 击剑馆
fencing jacket 击剑上衣
fencing master 击剑大师
fencing movement 击剑动作
fencing platform 击剑台
fencing sack 击剑袋
fencing strip 击剑场
fencing target 击剑部位
fencing terrain 击剑场
fencing time 击剑行动时间
fence-buster n.(经常把球打到球场周围栅栏处的)有力的击球员
fenceless adj.不设防的
fence-off n. 成绩相等时的重赛
fencer n. 击剑运动员
fencer’s vault 斜线助跑的 背腾越
fence-sitter n. 中立
fence-straddler n. 和事佬,两面讨好者
fencing n. 围栏,栅栏





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