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单词 fellow


1. companion,comrade,associate 同伴,伙伴,同事。
△Tw.3.4.86 (77):“‘fellow’! not ‘Malvolio”,"(Malvolio takes the word to mean “companion”.) 叫我“伙伴”,而不是“马伏里奥”!
△Lr.3.1.48: “And she willtell you who that fellow is / That yet you do notknow.”她就会告诉你,你现在还不认识的同伴是个什么人。
△Lr.3.4.178 (174): “In,fellow,there,into thehovel; keep thee warm.”进去吧,朋友,到那边草棚里去;去暖和一下。
△H.V.5.2. 259 (241): “if he be not fellowwith the best king,thou shalt find the best king ofgood fellows.”(Proverb:“The king of good fellows isappointed for the queen of beggars.”)即使他不能与最好的国王匹敌,你也会发现他是好人当中之王。
△3H.VI.4. 3. 53(54): “When I have fought with Pembroke and hisfellow,/I'll follow you,”等我跟潘布鲁克和他那些同伙打完仗之后,我再到你们那里去。
2. equal,match,one identical in every respect 同等的人,匹敌者,一模一样的人或物。
△Mer.3.5.88 (82): “forthe poor rude world / Hath not her fellow.”因为这个寒伧、粗俗的世界还找不出和她一样美好的人。
△Mid.4.1.38(34): “Good hay,sweet hay,hath no fellow.”好干草,香干草,什么也比不上它。
△H.V.4.8.29 (28):“My liege,this was my glove: here is the fellow of it;”i.e.oneto match it. 陛下,这是我的手套;这里是跟它配对的另一只。
△H.V.5.2. 259 (241):“if he be not fellow with thebest king,thou shalt find the best king of good fel-lows.”即使他不能与最好的国王匹敌,你也会发现他是好人当中之王。
△H.VIII.1.3. 41:“A French song and a fiddlehas no fellow.”唱唱法国歌,拉拉提琴,就所向无敌。
3. person,individual 人,个人。
△Lr.3.4.188 (177): “Good my lord,soothe him; let him take the fellow.”大人,就顺着他吧;让他把这个人带去吧。
4. servant,attendant 仆人,随从。
△Lr.3.7. 67:“Fel-lows,hold the chair,”来人,按住这椅子。
△L.L.L. 1.2.158 (151):“your fellows”,你的仆人们。
5. (familiar term of address to one of lower station) my friend (对于地位低下者的亲切称呼)朋友。
△Tw.2.4.42: “O fellow,come,the song we had last night.”啊,朋友! 来,再唱一遍我们昨晚听的那首歌。
6. (used of a servant or social inferior) man (对仆人或下人的称呼)那人。
△Tw.3.4. 68 (60):“Good Maria,letthis fellow be looked to.”好玛利娅,叫他们好好看护这个人。
△ 1.3.11(10): “How now,fellow?Would’st anything with me?”怎么了,那人? 有什么事要找我吗?
△H.VIII.3.2.278 (277): “My lords,/ Can yeendure to hear this arrogance? / And from this fel-low?” (fellow: a term of contempt and insult whenused of someone who is not a servant)各位大人,你们听他这样嚣张的话,能忍受吗?
7. (used as an appellation of contempt) worthless per-son (鄙称)贱人。
△H. VIII.1.1.138: “This Ipswichfellow’s insolence;”这个伊普斯威契贱种的傲慢无礼。


n. 伙伴,同事,学会会员,学会会员,高级教员,研究员,飞行员 adj. 同伴的,同事的,同辈的
‖ fellow believer 教友
fellow creature 同类,同胞
fellow feeling 同情
fellow officers 袍泽
fellow subsidiary 同集团附属公司
fellow sufferers commiserate with each other 同病相怜
fellow traveller 同路人
fellow villager 乡亲
fellowship n. 会员资格,研究员职位,研究生奖学金,联谊会,团体,友谊,交情,联谊会
fellow-trader n. 同行





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