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单词 fell


1. skin with hair on,scalp with hair on带毛的皮,带发的头皮。
△Mac.5.5.11:“and my fell of hair / Would ata dismal treatise rouse and stir / As life were in ’t.”听见一个可怕的故事,我的头发就会像有生命似的倒竖起来。
2. skin with hair or wool on,fleece带毛的皮,羊毛。
△As.3.2.55 (53): “Why,we are still handling ourewes,and their fells you know are greasy.”嗨,我们时常摸弄母羊,您知道,它们的毛是很油腻的。
flesh and fell: both flesh and skin,i. e. altogether,entirely连皮带肉,全部地,完全地。
△Lr.5.3.24: “Thegood-years shall devour them,flesh and fell,”自有邪恶的魔鬼把她们连皮带肉都吞噬掉。


1. fierce,pernicious,savage 凶猛的,恶毒的,残暴的。
△Mid.2.1.20: “passing fell and wrath”,i.e. ex-ceedingly fierce and angry.十分暴躁而爱生气。
△Tw. 1.1.21 (20): “That instant was I turned into a hart. /And my desires,like fell and cruel hounds,/E’ersince pursue me.” (Alluding to the classical story ofActaeon: Actaeon,who saw Diana naked in bathing,was turned into a hart by her and torn to pieces by hisown dogs.) 那一瞬间我就变成了一头鹿,从此我的情欲就像凶猛残酷的猎狗,永远在追逐着我。(按:比喻男子对女人一见钟情之后,相思不断啮咬他的心。)
△Mer.4.1.135: “his fellsoul fleet,”它那残暴的灵魂飞了出来。
△Ham.2.2.503(473): “But with the whiff and wind of his fell sword The unnerved father falls.”但是他这把凶恶的利刃所带来的一阵风却把衰弱的老人扇倒。
△Lr.2.1.52 (50):“in fell motion”,恶狠狠一刺。
△Oth.5.2.361 (362):“More fell than anguish. hunger. or the sea!” 比痛苦、饥饿、怒海还要残忍。
△Mac.1.5.46 (45): “That nocompunctious visitings of nature / Shake my fell pur-pose,” i.e. so that no feelings of tenderness which will prick the conscience may paralyse my cruel inten-tions. 不要让出自天性的良心不安动摇了我狠毒的决意。
△Mac.4.3.218:“What,all my pretty chickens. andtheir dam. / At one fell swoop?”什么! 我所有可爱的小雏连同他们的母亲,竟被恶狠狠的一扑全抓掉了?
△2H.IV.4.5.205 (206): “By whose fell working I was first ad-vanced,”我当初靠着他们的暴力行动才登上大位。
△2H.IV5.5.40 (37):“fell Alecto's snake,”凶狠的阿勒克托的毒蛇。
△2H.VI.5.1.153:“Who,being suffered with thebear's fell paw / Hath clapp’d his tail between his legsand cried;”它,被撒开与熊厮打、受凶猛的熊掌 一击,就夹起尾巴大叫。
2. cruel,inhuman残酷的,残无人道的。
△Ham.5. 2. 61:“Between the pass and fell incensed points”,在刀来剑往、残酷厮杀之中。
△Ham.5.2.350 (336):“this fell ser-geant,Death,”死神,这个残酷的官吏。
△Mac. 4. 2. 69(71):“To do worse to you were fell cruelty,”要加害于你更是绝顶的残酷。
△H.V.5.2.391 (363):“ill office,orfell jealousy.”罪恶的勾当,或者残酷的嫉妒。
△2H.VI.32. 265: “That they will guard you whe’r you will orno / From such fell serpents as false Suffolk is,”他们一定要保护你,不管你愿意与否,不受像狡诈的萨福克那样的残忍无情的毒蛇伤害。
△ 1. 4. 148: “And every dropcries vengeance for his death /’Gainst thee,fell Clif-ford,and thee,false Frenchwoman.”每一滴泪都呼喊着要为他的死而向你,残酷的克利福,也向你,狡诈的法国女人,报仇。
△3H.VI.2.5. 13:“So is the equal poise of thisfell war.”这场残酷的战争就是这样势均力敌。
3. terrible,dreadful 残酷的,可怖的,可怕的。
△H.VIII.5.1. 49: “foreseeing those fell mischiefs / Our reasonlaid before him,”体察了我们陈述的理由之后,预见到那些可怕的灾祸。Phrases:
fell feats: cruel deeds 残忍行为。
△H.V.3.3.15:“What is it then to me,if impious War,/ Arrayed inflames like to the prince of fiends,/ Do with hissmirched complexion all fell feats / Enlinked to wasteand desolationg?”如果邪恶的战争之神,像魔鬼之王那样身披着火焰,显露出他那被硝烟熏黑的面孔,干尽一切破坏蹂躏的勾当,那又与我何干?
lion fell: ❶fierce lion 凶猛的狮子。
❷lion’s skin 狮子皮。
△Mid.5.1.228 (223):“I as Snug the joiner am /A lion fell,”——此语有两种解释:❶ 我只是细木工合缝儿,扮演一头凶猛的狮子;
❷ 我本是细木工合缝儿,披上了一张狮子皮。


vt. hew down,cut down 砍倒。
△2H.VI.4. 2. 127(115): “Stand,villain,stand,or I’ll fell thee down.” 站住,坏蛋,要不然我就把你砍倒在地。
△3H.VI.2.1.54:“And many strokes,though with a little axe,/ Hewsdown and fells the hardest-timbered oak.”哪怕是一把小斧,只要连砍许多次,也能把质地最坚硬的橡树砍倒。





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