释义 |
fee-simplen. 1.(legal term) absolute legal possession,complete legal rights,estate belonging to the owner and his heirsfor ever (法律名词)绝对所有权,合法全权,永久产业。 △Wiv.4. 2. 228 (210): “If the devil have him not in fee-sim-ple,”如果他不是被魔鬼所永久占有。 △Rom. 3. 1. 34 (31):“An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art,any manshould buy the fee-simple of my life for an hour and aquarter.” i.e. If I were as quarrelsome as you,Iwould be killed in a fight within an hour and a quar-ter. 要是我像你一样爱吵架,只消一个小时零一刻钟,我的性命的永久所有权就卖给人家了。(意即:被人杀死了。) 2. freehold property,estate belonging absolutely tothe owner and his heirs for ever永久财产,永久属于主人及其后嗣的产业。 △2H.VI.4.10.26 (24): “Here’s the lord of the soil come to seize me for a stray,for ente-ring his fee-simple without leave.”这是庄园的主人,要来把我当做流浪汉抓起来,因为我不得允许闯入他的家园。 |