释义 |
feelinglyad. 1.by feeling,by making a thing felt; candidly, sincerely通过亲身感受;直率地,真诚地。 △As.2.1.10:“these are counsellors/That feelingly persuade mewhat I am.” i.e.convince me through my feelingswhat I am. 他们才是忠臣,通过我的亲身感受(又译:竭诚地)提醒我现在所处的地位。 2. understandingly,with proper appreciation,withdiscrimination or discernment,justly理解地,能正确赏识地,有识别力地,有眼力地,公正地。 △Ham.5.2.114(108):“indeed,to speak feelingly of him,”真的,说句公道话。 3. sensibly,closely,exactly,precisely能感觉到地,精密地,精确地,确切地。 △Tw.2.3.175(158):“he shall findhimself most feelingly personated.” i.e. very closelydescribed. 他必定会觉得那写的确确实实就是他自己。 4. ❶by means of the sense of touch,through thesense of feeling通过触觉,通过感觉。 ❷with keen emo-tion,keenly用深切的感情,深切地。 △Lr.4.6.153 (149):“I see it feelingly.”我通过感觉(双关:用深切的感情)看了出来。 |