释义 |
featn. 1. act,deed,exploit 行为,行动,业绩。 △Ado.5. 4.50:“And got a calf in that same noble feat”,从这一段高贵业绩中生出了一只小牛。 △Oth. 1. 3. 87:“feats of broiland battle,”战斗和打仗的事迹。 △Mac. 1.7. 79:“I amsettled,and bend up / Each corporal agent to this ter-rible feat.”i.e. My determination is made,and I nowstrain every faculty of mind and body for this terribledeed. 我决定了,并且鼓起全身的力量来干这一件可怕的举动。 2. evil deed,wicked deed罪恶行动,邪恶行动。 △Ham4.7.6:“Why you proceeded not against these feats /So crimeful and so capital in nature,”你对于这么一种罪大恶极的暴行为什么竟不加以惩办呢? feat[fi:t]n. 技艺,技艺表演,功绩 adj. 漂亮的,合适的 ‖ featly adj. 整洁的,优美的 |