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单词 fearful


1. full of fear,frightened,terrified,afraid,panicky充满恐惧的,吓怕了的,受惊恐的,害怕的,惊慌失措的。
△Com1.1.67: “our fearful minds”,我们惊恐不安的心。
△Rom.3.3.1: “Romeo,come forth,come forth, thou fearful man.”罗米欧,出来,出来,你这受惊的人。
△Rom.3. 5. 2: “It was the nightingale,and not thelark,/ That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear;”那刺进你惊恐的耳膜中的,不是云雀,而是夜莺的声音。
△2H.IV. Ind. 12: “fearful musters”,惊慌失措的召集军队。
△H.V.2. Cho.27: “Confirmed conspiracy withfearful France,”跟吓怕了的法兰西王订下阴谋。
△2H.VI.4. 4. 1: “Oft have I heard that grief softens the mind /And makes it fearful and degenerate;”我常听说悲伤使人心软,使人心里充满恐惧和卑怯的念头。
△3H.VI.2.2. 29: “Who hath not seen them,even with thosewings / Which sometime they have used with fearfulflight,/ Make war with him that climbed unto theirnest,”谁没有看见它们,甚至使用它们有时在惊逃中使用的翅膀,向爬到它们巢窝边上的人开战?
△3H. VI.2.5.129:“Edward and Richard,like a brace of greyhounds /Having the fearful flying hare in sight,”爱德华和理查,像一对猎犬盯上了一只惊恐逃跑的野兔。
△3H.VI.5.4.6:“Is’t meet (i.e. suitable) that he / Should leave the helm and,like a fearful lad,/ With tearful eyes add water to the sea,”假如他像一个惊恐万状的孩子离开他的舵位,眼泪汪汪地往大海里添水…,那合适吗?
△R.III.1.1.10:“And now,instead of mounting barbed steeds / To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,”现在,不再跨上战马去威吓那些惊恐的敌人的心灵。
△R.Ⅲ.4.2. 120 (121):“O let me think on Hastin gs,and be gone / To Brecknock while my fearful head is on.”啊,我还是想想海斯丁 斯的下场,趁着我这充满忧虑的脑袋还在,赶快回到布勒克诺去吧。
△R.III. 4.4.312 (311): “Dorset your son,that with a fearful soul / Leads discontented steps in foreign soil. ”你的儿子道塞特,对我不满,心怀恐惧地逃奔外国。
△R.III.5.1.18:“This,this All-Souls’ Day to myfearful soul,/ Is the determined respite of mywrongs.”今天,这个万灵节,对于我这充满恐惧的灵魂来说,就是我长期作恶的最后结束之日。
△ H.VIII. 5. 1. 88 (87):“Iam fearful; wherefore frowns he thus ?”我觉得害怕;他为什么这样紧皱眉头啊?
2. timid,timorous,cowardly 胆小的,胆怯的,怯懦的。
△As.3.3.50 (48):“if he were of a fearful heart,” 倘若他是一个胆小的人。
△Mid.5.1.101: “And in the modesty of fearful duty”,在这由于诚惶诚恐的忠诚而产生的羞怯当中。
△1H .IV.4.1.67:“fearful factio n,”胆小的追随者。
△2H.VI.3.1.331: “Now,York,or never,steel thy fearful thoughts,”约克,时机稍纵即逝,使你的胆怯思想变得坚强起来吧。
△2H.VI.3.2. 224:“And after all this fearful homage done,”在你表示了这种怯懦的屈服之后…
△2H. VI. 4.8.45 (42): “The fearful French,whom you late vanquished,/ Should make a start o’er seas and vanquish you?”你们最近所征服了的胆怯的法国人,却突然从海上打过来把你们征服。
△3H.VI.1.1. 25: “This is the palace of the fearful king / And this the regal seat.”这就是那个胆小的国王的宫殿,这就是国王的宝座。
△3H. VI. 5.4.44: “For did I but suspect a fearful man,/ He should have leave to go away betimes,” 因为,如果我怀疑谁是怯懦的人,我就准他立即走开。
3. causin g fear,frightening,dreadful,terrible 引起恐惧的,使人害怕的,可怕的,恐怖的。
△Rom. Pro.9:“fearful passage”,可怕的经历,悲惨的经历。
△ 3H.VI.2.2.27:“And though man's face be fearful to their eyes,”虽然在它们眼中人的面孔只能引起恐惧…。
4. causing apprehension,apprehensive 引起忧虑的,令人担心的。
△Oth.3.3. 82: “It shall be full of poise and difficult weight,/ And fearful to be granted.”那将是一件分量很重、意义重大而让你不敢轻易答应的事。
△R.III.5.3. 98 (97): “Farewell! the leisure and the fearful time / Cuts off the ceremonious vows of love”,再见吧!紧迫的时间和令人忧虑的形势打断了礼貌上的倾诉衷曲。
5. causing apprehension,alarming 引起忧虑的,令人戒惧的。
△Oth.1.3.10 (11):“ But the main article I doapprove / In fearful sense.”但是我相信主要的一点应该引起我们的戒惧。
6. causing fear,dangerous 引起恐惧的,危险的。
△Rom.2.Cho.8:“And she steal love’s sweet bait from fearful hooks.”她要从危险的钓钩上把爱情的香饵偷食。
7. causing anxiety,unreliable 令人担忧的,不可靠的。
△Mer.1.3.176 (175): “See to my house left in thefearful guard / Of an unthrifty knave,”再瞧瞧我的家——家交给一个胡作非为的奴才照看,叫人不放心。
8. afraid,apprehensive 害怕的,担心的。
△Lr.1.4.228(206):“but now grow fearful,”可是现在我担心。
fearful commenting: timorous meditatin g,timid com-sideration 胆小的深思,胆怯的考虑。
△R.III.4.3.51: “Ihave learned that fearful commenting /Is leaden ser-vitor to dull delay;”我听说,胆小的深思细想不过是慢吞吞拖延的懒惰仆人。
fearful of: fearing for,anxious about 为…忧虑,为…焦急。
△3H.VI. 5.6.86: “For I will buzz abroad suchprophecies / That Edward shall be fearful of his life,”因为我就要四处传播谣言,使得爱德华为了自己的性命而忧心忡忡。





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