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单词 fear


1 . dread,horror 畏惧,恐怖。
△Ado. 2.3.210 (191):“orundertakes them with a most Christian-like fear.”或者以一种最合基督徒身份的畏惧去从事。
2. (abstr. for concr.) object.of fear,something to befeared,fearful act 恐惧对象,可怕的事,可怕的行为。
△1H.IV.1.3.87: “Shall we buy treason? and indentwith fears,” i.e.make a contract with persons whomwe have reason to fear.难道我得出钱收买叛逆,跟这种可怕的人订什么合同吗 ?
△2H.IV.4.5.194 (195): “All thesebold fear s / Thou seest with peril I have answered," 你看到我怎样岌岌可危地把这些狂妄可怕的行为都 一一打退了。
△ Mid.3.1.14 (13):“a parlous fear.”一件非常可怕的事。
△Rom.5.3.194:“What fear is this which startlesin our ears ?”出了什么可怕的事情,这样震动我的耳朵?
△Ham.3.3.25: “For we will fetters put about thisfear,/Which now goes too free-footed.”因为对于这个太无拘无束的可怕的人,我就要给他加上镣铐了。
△Mac.1.3.137: “Present fears / Are less than horrible imagin-ings.”眼前的实际恐怖比起恐怖的想像来微不足道。(又译:眼前的实际恐怖不及想像中的恐怖那样可怕。)
3. cause of fear 恐惧的原因。
△Ham.1.4. 64: “Why,what should be the fear?”怎么,有什么可怕的?
4. dangerous thing,danger 危险的事情,危险。
△2H. IV.1.1.95: “Thou shakest thy head,and holdest it fear or sin / To speak a truth.”你在摇头,认为说实话是危险的事或者是罪恶。
△As.1.2.189 (176): “the fear of youradventure would counsel you to a more equal enter-prise.”你这次冒险行动的危险性会劝你另外去找一件更能胜任的事情。
5. stage-fright 怯场。
△2H.IV. Epi.1:“First my fear.”首先,我怯场。
6. concern,anxiety,solicitude 关心,忧虑,关怀。
△Ham.3.3. 8: “Most holy and religious fear it is / To keepthose many many bodies safe / That live and feed up-on your Majesty.”这一种忧虑实在是最圣明不过的——陛下要为无数的仰赖陛下而生存的庶民而谋安全之计。
7. doubt,mistrust 怀疑,不相信。
△Mac.4.3.37: “Benot offended; / I speak not as in absolute fear ofyou.”请不要生气;我说这样的话,并不是为了完全对你不放心。
8. formidableness 威猛。
△3H.VI.2.6.5: “My loveand fear glued many friends to thee,”我的忠心和威猛使得许多朋友依附在你身边。(按: My love and fear Love forme and fear of my valour.)
9. alarm 警报。
△L.L.L.5.2.909 (901): “word offear”,警告。(按:杜鹃的叫声“cuckoo”容易使人联想起cuckold <乌龟>。)
10. ❶dreadfulness,formidableness,object of fear 可怕,令人生畏,恐惧的对象。
❷apprehension 忧虑。
△R.III.3.7.44 (45):“Intend some fear;”要装出一副凛然不可侵犯的样子。(又译:要装出有些顾虑的样子。)


1 . be afraid of 害怕。
△Shr.5. 2.16:“Hortensio fearshis widow.”霍坦修害怕他的小寡妇。
2. frighten,terrify,alarm,intimidate 使害怕,恐吓,使震惊,威吓。
△Shr. 1. 2. 214 (210):“Tush,tush,fear boyswith bugs.”嘘,嘘,拿妖精故事吓唬小孩子吧。
△Shr. 5.2.17: “Then never trust me,if I be afeard. ” (The wid-ow takes the word “fears” in the sense of “fright-ens”.)我会害怕? 那才是没有的事。(寡妇把fears一词理解为frightens,因而反驳。)
△Mer.2.1.8: “this aspect ofmine / Hath feared the valiant;”我这副容貌曾经吓倒过勇士。
△Lr.3.5.3(2):“How,my lord,I may be cen-sured,that nature thus gives way to loyalty,some-thing fears me to think of.”殿下,我为了忠心,这样不顾父子的常情,不知别人会怎样评判我,让我想起来有点害怕。
△Oth. 1.2. 71:“to fear,not to delight!”只能使她受到惊吓,而不能得到什么欢乐!
△2H.IV.4.4.121:“The peo-ple fear me,”老百姓使我害怕。
△H.V.1.2.155: “Shehath been then more feared than harmed,my liege;”她只是受了一场惊吓,并没有受到损伤,陛下。
△3H.VI.5.2.1: “Die thou,and die our fear,/ For Warwick was abug that feared us all.”你一死,我们的恐惧也就消失了,因为沃里克曾是使我们大家害怕的鬼怪。
△3H.VI.3.3.226:“Thou seest what’s passed: go fear thy king withal.”这里发生的事你都看见了,回去就拿这个来吓一吓你那位国王吧,
3. suspect,mistrust 怀疑,不相信。
△Tw.5.1.231(221):“Fear’st thou that,Antonio?”难道你还怀疑吗,安东尼奥?
△2H.VI.1.4.6:“Ay,what else? Fear younot her courage.”哎,别的还会看什么? 你不必怀疑她的勇气。
△2H.VI.3.1.204:“And yet,good Humphrey,isthe hour to come / That e’er I proved thee false orfeared thy faith.”但是,好亨弗雷,这一时刻竟然来了,我却得证明你虚伪或者怀疑你的忠心。
△H.VIII.3.2.15: “Whatwe can do to him,though now the time / Gives wayto us,I much fear.”虽然现在时机对我们有利,我们究竟能对他怎么样,我却怀疑。
4. fear for,feel apprehensive about,worry about,beconcerned about,feel uneasy about,be anxious about 为…担心,为…担忧,为…发愁,关心,为…感到不安,为…焦虑。
△Mer.3.2.29:“fear th’ enjoying of my love;”担心究竟能否安享我的爱人。
△Mer.3.5.3:“I promise you,Ifear you.” 不瞒你说,我很替你担忧。
△Ham.1.3.33:“Fear it. Ophelia,fear it,my dear sister.” 当心啊,奥菲利娅,当心啊,亲爱的妹妹。
△Ham.1.3.51: “O.fear menot.”i.e. Do not fear for me. 啊,不要为我担心。
△Ham.4.5.122 (123): “Let him go. Gertrude,donot fear our person.” 由着他去,葛忒露德,不必为我担心。
△Rom. 5. 3. 44:“His looks I fear.”他的样子我有些担心。
△Lr. 4. 2. 31:“I fear your disposition.”我为你这种脾气担忧。
△Mac.1.5. 17(16):“Yet do I fear thy na-ture.” ( Lady Macbeth is uncertain about herhusband’s character.)可是我很为你的天性担忧。
4.1.23:“And at the time of my departure thence /He was much feared by his physicians.”i.e. His phy-sicians were very anxious about him. 在我离开那里时他的医生们很为他担忧。
△1H.IV.4.2. 64 (58): “Tut,neverfear me,I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.”咄,不必担心我,我就像偷奶油的猫儿一样警觉。
△2H.IV.5.5.84(78): “Fear not your advancements.” 不要为你的升官晋级担心。
△ 2H.VI.4.3.17: “Fear not that. I warrantthee.”不必担心这个,我向你保证。
△3H.VI.1.2.60:“Brother,I go;I’ll win them,fear it not;” 兄长,我就去;我会说服他们,不必担心。
△3H.VI.3.2.24:“I fear hernot,unless she chance to fall.”我才不为她发愁呢,除非她自己屈服。
△R.III.1.1.136: “The King is sickly,weak,and melancholy,/ And his physicians fear himmightily.”国王有病,身体衰弱而且心情忧郁,他的医生们很为他担心。
△R.III.2. 3. 31: “Come,come,we fear theworst; all will be well.”算了,算了,我们不过是往最坏处担心;一切都会好转的。


1. be in fear,be afraid of something,dread害怕,担惊受怕,担心。
△As.5.4.4: “As those that fear theyhope. and know they fear.” (Describing a mentalstate of mingled hope and fear) i.e. as those whodread that they may be hoping without prospect offulfillment,knowing they really fear. 就像那些因恐结果无望而心中惴惴的人,一面怀着希望,一面担着心事。
2. be concerned,be careful,be apprehensive关心,小心,忧虑。
△Ham. 1. 3. 16:“but you must fear,”但是你必须留心。
3. arouse suspicion引起怀疑。
△Mac. 1.5. 73 (72):“Toalter favour ever is to fear.”脸上变色最易引起猜疑。
Fear me not: ❶have no fear about me不必担心我。
△ Rom.1.1.41 (35): “Fear me not.” i.e. not fearthat I will run away. 不必担心我(逃跑)。
❷Do not be a-fraid of me.不要怕我。
△Rom.1.1.42 (37): “No,marry. I fear thee!”我怕你(逃跑)。(按:在这句话中,葛莱古里故意把Fear me not一语理解为“不要怕我”。)
❸haveno such fears about me不必在这方面对我担心。
△Lr. 5.1.16:“Fear me not.”你不必(在这方面)对我担心。
fear not: ❶have no fears about不必为…担心。
△Shr.4.4.10: “Fear you not him.”不必为他担心。
❷may besure of对…可以放心。
△3H.VI.4.2.5:“Fear not that. my lord. ”你对这个可以放心,大人。
fear not thou: i.e. you are not anxious你毫不焦虑。
△2H.VI.2.4.56:“But fear not thou,until thy footbe snared,/ Nor never seek prevention of thy foes.”但是不等到你的双脚被他们套住,你是不会焦虑、也绝不会对你的敌人先下手为强的。
fear to do: shrink from doing畏缩不敢做。
△Mac.1.5.23 (22): “Thou’dst have,great Glamis,/ Thatwhich cries,‘Thus thou must do’,if thou have it;/And that which rather thou dost fear to do / Thanwishest should be undone. ” (“Thou'dst have” has twoobjects.❶“That which…have it”,i.e. the crown;
❷“that which…undone”. i.e.the murder.) You wish,Macbeth. for the crown,and it cries,“You must dothis” if you wish to have it; and,although you are a-fraid to do it yourself,you are also unwilling to see itundone.伟大的格拉密斯,你是想要那件东西,它在喊着“你若想要,就必须这样做”;而那件事你只是怕做,并非是不愿做出来。(按:此句意思,解说不一,仅取一种。)




n. 害怕,恐惧,担心,忧虑 v.害怕,担忧
◇ be in fear of 提心吊胆,惧怕
dispel fear 消除顾虑
for fear of 生怕,恐怕,由于害怕
from feat 由于惧怕
no fear of 什么也不怕
without fear of favour 公正地,公平地
‖ fear appeals 恐惧/顾虑诉求
fear-control reaction 恐惧控制反应
fear-eliminating swimming drill 消除恐惧的游泳练习
fear in children 儿童恐惧
fear of man 对人的恐怖
fear of punishment 对惩罚的恐惧
fear to God 对上帝的畏惧
fearful adj. 可怕的,悲惨的,严重的
fearfully adv./ fearfulness n./fearless adj. 大胆的,无畏的
◇ be fearless of 不怕
fearlessly adv./ fearlessness n. / fearmonger n. 散布恐惧心理者
fearsome adj. 害怕的,胆怯(小)的
fearsomely adv.





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