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单词 favour


1. good will,kind regard,kind feelings 好意,好感。
△Rom.1.1.173 (168):“Out of her favour where Iam in love.” i.e. out of favour with the one I love. 我得不到所爱的人儿的欢心。
△Tw. 3. 2.6 (5): “Marry,Isaw your niece do more favours to the Count’s serv-ingman than ever she bestowed upon me.”哼,我看见你的侄女对公爵的那个仆人比一向给我的恩爱还要多哩。
△Ham.1.3. 5:“and the trifling of his favour,”和他的卖弄殷勤。
△Ham.5.2.78:“I’ll court his favours.”i.e. seekhis good will.我要取得他的好感。
△H.VIII.2.2.90 (89):“The Spaniard,tied by blood and favour to her,”西班牙人,跟她有血统上的联系,又对她怀着好意。 in favour: i.e. in favour to us,in our favour,favouably disposed to us对我们偏爱(的),对我们有利(的),对我们有意照顾的。
△1H.VI.3.3. 34: “Fortune in favour makes him lag behind.”命运给我们方便,使他落在后边。
2. friendly disposition,graciousness of nature友好意向,善良天性。
△Gent.2.1.61 (54): “her beauty is exquisite,but her favour infinite”,她的美貌是无比的,可是她的好心肠更不可限量。
3. kind act,countenance,support友好行为,赞同,支持。
△2H.VI.1.1.72 (71): “We thank you all for this great favour done / In entertainment to my princely queen.”我感谢你们大家都来好意参加对我的王后的这次盛大接待。
4. patronage,act of grace done as a kindness赞助,恩惠。
△H.VIII.2.2.114 (113): “Ay,and the best she shall have; and my favour / To him that does best.”是,她一定要有最好的学者为她辩护;谁辩护得最好,得到我的恩赏。
5. pardon,indulgence原谅,宽恕。
△Mac.1.3.149:“Give me your favour;”请你们原谅。
△H.VIII.5.3.73(5.2.108): “My Lord of Winchester. you are a little,/ By your good favour,too sharp;”请原谅,温彻斯特主教大人,你也未免太苛刻了一点。
6. lenience,lenity,mildness. compassion宽厚,宽大,温和,怜悯。
△2H.VI.4.7.72 (67): “Justice with favour have I always done;”我一向执法宽厚。
7. leave,permission,pardon 许可,允许,原谅。
△Shr.21.98 (97): “And free access and favour as the rest;”像其他求婚者同样的自由活动的机会。
△L.L.L.3.1. 70(67): “By thy favour,sweet welkin,I must sigh in thy face.”对不起,亲爱的苍天,我要对着你的脸叹一口气。
△H.VIII.1.1. 168: “Pray give me favour,i.e. give me leave,listen to me. 请听我说。
8. attractiveness,attraction,grace,charm吸引力,具有吸引力的事物,优美,魅力。
△Oth.4.3.19:“My love doth so approve him,/ That even his stubbornness,his checks,his frowns—/ Prithee unpin me —have grace and favour in them.”我既然如此爱他,即使他的粗暴,他的训斥,他的怒容(请你给我取下扣针)也都有它们的美妙和吸引力。
△Ham.4.5.187 (188): “Thought and affliction,passion,hell itself,/ She turns to favour and to prettiness.”忧郁,痛苦,苦难,甚至于地狱,她都点化成为妩媚和爱娇。
△2H.VI.1.2.3:“Why doth the great Duke Humphrey knit his brows,/ As frowning at the favours of the world?”伟大的亨弗雷公爵为什么紧皱眉头,仿佛对于世上的荣华富贵表示不满似的?
9. token worn as a badge in hat or helmet (作为标记戴在帽子或头盔上的)纪念物。
△H.V.4.7.161(153):“Here. Fluellen. wear thou this favour (i.e. Williams’s glove) for me and stick it in thy cap.”来,弗鲁艾林,你替我把这个纪念物戴上,把它插在你的帽子上。
10. love gift,love token爱情赠礼,信物。
△Mid.2.1.12:“Those be rubies,fairy favours,”那些是红玉,仙子的赠品。
△Mid.4.1.55 (49):“sweet favours”. i.e. flowers as love gifts. (为当做爱情礼物的)香花,鲜花。
△L.L.L.5.2.30: “But,Rosaline,you have a favour too?”可是,罗瑟琳,你不是也收到一件信物吗?
11. face,appearance,look,features面孔,外貌,容貌,相貌。
△Tw.2.4. 23: “thine eye / Hath stayed upon some favour that it loves.”你的眼睛曾经在你所爱的人脸上流连过。
△Tw. 3.4.366 (329): “I know your favourwell,”我熟识你的相貌。
△Tw.3. 4. 417 (380): “evensuch and so / In favour was my brother.”我的哥哥正是我这个模样。
△Mid.1.1. 186: “O were favour so,/Yours would I catch,fair Hermia,ere I go;”啊,如果相貌也是如此,美丽的赫米娅,我愿换上你的相貌。
△As.4.3.87(85):“The boy is fair,/Of female favour,” i.e. fem-inine features. 那少年生得很俊,面孔像个女的。
△As.5.427:“Some lively touches of my daughter’s favour.”我女儿相貌中的一些活生生的特征。
△Ado.2.1.98 (94):“When I like your favour,” 当我喜欢你的相貌的时候。
△Ado.3.3.19: “Well,for your favour,sir,why,give God thanks.”好,讲到你的相貌,先生,那么你谢谢上帝
△Ham.5.1. 213 (194): “to this favour she mustcome:” 到头来她还是要变成这个样子 。
△H.V.5.2.63:“Which to reduce into our former favour / You areassembled;”你们今天聚会在一起,就是为了使这一切重新恢复到往日的面貌。
△H.VIII.1.4.107: “and then let’sdream / Who’s best in favour.” i.e.Who is the pret-tiest girl to-night. 然后我们就去做梦,看她们当中谁最漂亮。(按:best in favour另解为in favour with the ladies,“最受女士们宠爱”。)
12. countenance. facial expression 脸色,面部表情。
△Mac.1.5.73 (72): “To alter favour ever is tofear.”i.e.To change expression constantly is to re-veal signs of fear. 脸上变色便是恐惧的表示。(又译:脸上变色最易引起猜疑 )
△L.L.L.4.3.262 (258):“Her favourturns the fashion of the days.”她的脸色转移了流行的风尚。
13. ❶good will好意。
△Tw.2.4.25:“by yourfavour.”i.e. ❶(polite phrase) with your good will. if you please;
❷ (with a pun on) near to your face.thanks to you. (Viola is secretly in love with the Duke.) (原为礼貌用语)蒙您好意允许,您若高兴的话;(此处双关)看在您的面上,由于您的缘故。(按:薇奥拉已暗中爱上了公爵。)
14. ❶something given as a mark of favour,such asthe little handkerchief,scarf,glove,or ribbon givenby a lady to a gentleman as a love-token恩宠标志,信物。
❷token or badge worn by a knight. such as the plumeor silken band in his helmet骑士的标志(如头盔上的长羽或丝带)。
△1H.IV.5.4.96:“But let my favours hide thymangled face.”但是让我用纪念品遮住你这被砍伤的面孔。


1. regard with goodwill,befriend以好意看待…,对…友好。
△2H.VI.1.1.159 (158):“What though the com-mon people favour him,”尽管老百姓对他友好。
2. regard with kindness. treat with partiality好意看待,以偏爱对待。
△H.VIII.2.1.47: “whoever (i.e. whom-ever) the King favours,/ The Cardinal instantly willfind employment (i.e. employment for). / And far e-nough from court too.”凡是国王宠信的人,红衣主教一定立刻给他派一个职务,而且调他离开朝廷远远的。
3. support,countenance支持,赞助。
△1H.VI.2.1.47:“If not of hell. the heavens sure favour him.”如果他不是地狱里的魔鬼,上天一定支持他。
△1H.VI. 4.1.81:“Sweet Henry,favour him.” 亲爱的亨利王,支持他吧。
△3H. VI.1 .1.67:“Ah,know you not the city (i. e.London) favours them,/ And they have troops ofsoldiers at their beck ?”啊,难道你们不知道伦敦支持他们,而且他们还有大队士兵听候他们指挥吗?
△3H.VI.4.1.144:“And Hastings as he favours Edward’s cause!”愿上帝也保佑海司丁斯,让海司丁斯拥护爱德华的事业!


n. 好感,好意,偏爱,喜爱,宠爱,恩德,帮助,纪念品 v. 喜爱,宠爱,支持,赞成,有利于,促成,促进
◇ ask a favor 请…帮忙
by favor of 烦请…面交
by your favor 对不起
do sb. a favor 帮某人忙
find favor with 获得…好感,受到欢迎
have a favor to ask (of)请求帮助
in favor 得宠于,流行的,入时的,受欢迎
in favor of 有利于,以…为受益人
in favor with受…宠爱,得…欢心
in one’s favor 以…为受益人
in our favor 以我方为受益人
in sb.’s favor 受到某人的喜爱,对…有利
look with favor on 赞成
out of favor with 失宠于
‖ favour fees 好处费
favour price 内部价
favoured state 有利态
favorable =favorable adj.有利的,合适的,赞成的,受人喜欢的
◇ be favorable for 对…有利
be favorable to 有利于,有助于
make a favorable impression on 给…留下好印象
take a favorable turn 好转
favorable balance 顺差
favorable balance of payments 国际收支顺差
favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差
favorable conditions优惠条件
favorable current 顺风
favourable difference 顺差
favorable exchange 顺汇
favorable interest rate 优惠利率,有利利率,优惠利率
favourable policy 倾斜政策
favourable price 优惠价格
favorable target 有利目标
favorable tax treatment 优惠税收待遇
favorable terms 优惠条件,有利条件
favorable trade balance 贸易顺差
favourable trade payment 贸易顺差
favorable treatment 优惠税收待遇,优惠待遇
favourable variance 顺差
favorably adj. favoured adj. 受惠的,受优待的
favouritism n. 偏爱
favorably adv. favo (u) red player 最有希望取胜的运动员
favouring adj. 有利的,受人喜欢的,赞成的 n. 音量调节
favorite adj.喜爱的/ n. 喜欢的人(物),亲信
◇ be a favorte with 是…特别喜爱的
favo (u) rite service 擅长的发球
favo (u) rite shot 擅长的一手
favo (u) rite sport 受人喜爱的运动项目
favo (u) rite technique 绝招
favola pastorale (意大利语)田园诗,牧歌剧





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