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单词 father


1. he by whom one is begotten,begetter,originator,contriver 父亲,生养者,创始者,发明者。
△2H.IV.4.5.91(92):“Thy wish was father,Harry,to that thought.”你的愿望,哈利,才使你产生了这种念头。
father of good news: bearer of good tidings 好消息的携带者。
△Ham.2.2.42: “Thou still hast been the father of good news.”你永远是带来好消息的人。
2.i.e.stepfather (指)继父。
△R.III. 5.2.5:“And hercreceive we from our father Stanley/ Lines of faircomfort and encouragement.”我在这里收到我继父斯坦莱的一封充满了好意的安慰和鼓励的信。
3. father-in-law 岳父。
△Mer.2.6.25: “Here dwellsmy father Jew.”我的岳父犹太人就住在此地。
△1H.IV.3.1. 88 (86): “My father Glendower is not ready yet,”我的岳父格兰道尔还没有准备好。
△R.III.1.3.135 (134):“Poor Clarence did forsake his father Warwick,/ Ay,and forswore himself—which Jesu pardon !”可怜的克拉仑斯背弃了他的岳父沃利克,哦,也背弃了他自己的誓言——愿耶稣宽恕他!
△H.VIII.2.1.43: “Earl Surrey was sentthither,and in haste too,/ Lest he should help his fa-ther.” (Surrey was married to Buckingham’s oldestdaughter.)萨雷伯爵又被派到那里去,而且是匆匆忙忙的,怕他会在这里帮助他的岳父。
4. father-in-law 公爹。
△RIII.1.1.154 (155): “Thereadiest way to make the wench amends / Is to be-come her husband and her father.”补偿这个小娘们儿的最简便的办法便是既做她的丈夫又做她的公公。
5. church father,priest 神父。
△L.L.L. 4.2.155(147):“and as a certain father saith—”诚如某一位神父所说。
△H.VIII.2.4.55 (57):“You have here. lady,/And of your choice,these reverend fathers,men / Ofsingular integrity and learning,” (reverend fathers:bishops and archbishops,whose formal titles are re-spectively Right Reverend and Most Reverend Father in God)夫人,在这里有的是你所选定的人,这些可尊敬的神父,他们都是非凡正直而且学识超群。
6. a respectful mode of address to an old man (对老年人的尊称)老大爷,老人家,老爷子。
△Lr.4.6.224 (219):“Well pray you,father.”i.e. You pray well,father.你祷告得好,老大爷。
△2H.IV.5.2.140: “In which you,father,shall have foremost hand.”在其中,你,老人家,将起到首要作用。
△Mer.2. 2. 65 (60):“Talk not of Mas-ter Launcelot,father,”不要说朗西洛特了,老大爷。
7. (used as an adjective) fatherlike 父亲般的。
△1H.IV.2.4.506(454):“that father ruffian,”那个貌似慈父的恶棍8. old man 老人。
△Lr.4.6.73 (72):“thou happy fa-ther.”你这幸运的老人。


1. be father to 是…的父亲。
△1H.VI.5.4.70: “Well,go to.We’ll have no bastards live,/ Especially sinceCharles must father it.”i.e. Charles is evidently thetather.哼,算了吧。我们偏不让私生子活下来,何况父亲又是查理。
2. resemble one’s father,show who one’s father is 像…的父亲,显示出…父亲是谁。
△Ado.1.1.116 (110):“Truly the lady fathers herself.”i. e. She is like herfather.真的,这位小姐长得很像她的父亲。


n. 父亲,祖先,创造者,发明人,根 (源),源泉 v. 创造 (作) ,发明
‖ father and son 父子
father-child relation 父子关系
father complex 恋父情结
father figure长者
father-in-law 公公,岳父
father-like leaders 父母官
father right 父权
Father’s Day 父亲节
father’s elder brother 伯父
father’s sister 姑姑
father’s society 父系社会
fatherhood n. 父亲身份,父性,父权,祖国
fatherless adj. 无父的,作者不详的





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