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单词 fashion


1. external appearance,outward form. shape,like-ness外貌,外形,样子,表象。
△Mer.4.1.18:“this fashion of thy malice”,你这凶恶的样子。
△Com.1.1.73: “forfashion,”i.e. in imitation. 学样子。
△2H.IV.5.2.51:“Sorrow so royally in you appears / That I will deeplyput the fashion on / And wear it in my heart. ”悲伤在你们脸上流露得如此壮丽动人,我也要庄严地仿效你们,并且把悲伤深深放在心里。
△H.VIII.4.2.159 (158):“By heaven.I will,/ Or let me lose the fashion of a man!”苍天在上,我一定这样做,否则我就不像个人样了。
2. usual manner,normal behaviour 常态,正常举止。
△Ham.3.1.182(173): “This something settled mat-ter in his heart,/ Whereon his brains still beating putshim thus / From fashion of himself.”他的脑筋老是盘算着这件心事,害得他失去了自己的常态。
△L.L.L.4.3.139(137):“observed your fashion,”观察你们的态度。
3. prevailing practice,custom习惯动作,习惯。
△Shr. 22. 228 (229):“It is my fashion when I see a crab.”我一见沙果子(双关:脾气怪的人),就是这个样子。
4. prevailing custom,requirements of good breeding.usages of good society 惯例,礼貌,礼俗。
△As.3.2.272(255): “but yet for fashion sake I thank you too for your society.”不过,为了礼貌的原故,我也谢谢你的陪伴。
△Ado.3.1 72:“from all fashions,”i.e. contrary to all accepted custom. 违反一切常规。
5. prevailing custom,customary display,mere form 惯例,通常表示,俗套。
△Ham.2.2.397 (371):“the appur-tenance of welcome is fashion and ceremony.”欢迎总要讲究这些俗套和礼节。
6. design,workmanship 设计,工艺。
△Com.4.1.29:“chargeful fashion.” i.e. expensive design or workmanship. 花销很大的工艺;设计的花费。
7. style,cut 式样,剪裁。
△Lr.3.6.83 (78): “You,sir.I entertain for one of my hundred; only I do not likethe fashion of your garments. ”你,先生,我雇用为我的一百名侍卫之一;只是我不喜欢你的服装的式样。
8. manner,way态度,方式。
△Ham.1.3.110: “Mylord,he hath importuned me with love / In honoura-ble fashion. ” 父亲,他向我求爱的态度是光明正大的。
△2H.IV.2.4.59 (55): “By my troth,this is the oldfashion,you two never meet but (i.e. that not) youfall to some discord.”真是的,还是老样子,你们两个一见面就要吵架。
9. something changeable and temporary as a fashionin dress,passing fancy (像时装一样)短暂易变之物,一时的爱好。
△Ham. 1.3.6:“Hold it a fashion”,把它看做一时的高兴。
△Ham. 1.3.112:“Ay,fashion you may callit.”对,态度,那不过是逢场作戏罢了。
10. kind. sort种,类。
△Gent.5.4.61:“Thou friend of an ill fashion !”你这冒牌的朋友!
11. ❶kind,sort 同类的人,品类。
❷vogue,prevailingcustom 时尚,风尚。
△1H.VI.2.4. 76:“I scorn thee andthy fashion,peevish boy.”我蔑视你和你那一伙人,任性的小孩子。(按: fashion又作faction,“派别”。)Phrases:
in the fashion to: in the way to …有利于…
△Mer.1.2.23 (21): “But this reasoning is not in the fashion tochoose me a husband.” i. e. This philosophizing doesnot help me to select a husband for myself.不过我这样发议论,并不能帮助我选择一个丈夫。
out of fashion: ❶out of the ordinary form,in astrange form,strange and old-fashioned,eccentric.quaint 越出普通形式之外,以奇怪的形式,奇怪而老式的,古怪的,奇特的。
△H.V.4.1.86 (83): “Though it appear alittle out of fashion,/There is much care and valour in this Welshman.”虽说这个威尔斯人有点儿古怪,他倒很细心,也很有勇气。
❷without any settled order of dis-course,incoherently,irrelevantly 语无伦次地,离题地。
△Oth.2.1.209 (206):“I prattle out of fashion,”我唠叨得语无伦次。


1. mould,form,frame 塑造,形成,构造。
△2H.IV.2.3.28:“so that in speech,in gait. / In diet,in affectionsof delight,/ In military rules,humours of blood,/ He was the mark and glass,copy and book,/ That fa-shioned others.”这样在语言上,在步态上,在饮食上,在娱乐爱好上,在作战规则方面,以及性情脾气方面,他都成了塑造别人的指南和明镜,典范和蓝本。
△H .VIII.4.2.48: “Thiscardinal,/ Though from an humble stock,undoubtedly,Was fashioned to much honour fromhis cradle.”这位红衣主教,虽然出自寒门,但是毫无疑问他在孩提时代就已经天生注定要出人头地,一生荣显的。
2. contrive,manipulate,manage 设计,操纵,安排。
△Oth.4. 2. 242 (236): “which I will fashion to fallout between twelve and one,”我可以设法安排在12点到1点之间。
△1H.IV.1.3. 298 (297):“ As I will fashionit,”按照我的安排。
△Lr.1.2.206 (184):“All with me’smeet that I can fashion fit.” 只要安排得对我有利,一切都是正当的。
3. bring about,make,shape 促成,造成,形成。
△Ado.2.1.385 (367):“ I would fain have it a match,and Idoubt not but to fashion it,”我很想把他们两人配成一对,而且我想这件事是能成功的。
△ Ado.4.1.237 (235):“Willfashion the event”,将会造成那种结果。
△ Mer.1.3.94(93):“But swayed and fashioned by the hand of heav-en. ”而是由上天的意旨所支配造成的。
4. adapt,accommodate 使适应,使迎合。
△Ado.5.4.88:“Fashioned to Beatrice.”为了迎合贝特丽丝(而写的)。
△Gent.3.1.135:“How shall I fashion me to wear acloak?” 我把长袍怎样穿在身上才对?
5. make … to be,turn … into 使…成为,把…变成。
△1H.VI. 3.3. 64: “When Talbot hath set footingonce in France / And fashioned thee that instrumentof ill,” 当塔尔博特一旦在法兰西站稳了立足点,并且把你变成了作恶的工具。
6. counterfeit,pervert 伪造,曲解。
△H. V.1.2.13:“And God forbid,my dear and faithful lord,/ Thatyou should fashion,wrest,or bow your reading,”我的亲爱的忠诚的大主教,上帝不许你伪造、歪曲、篡改原文,随意解释。
7. counterfeit 伪装。
△Ado.1. 3. 30 (29):“to fashiona carriage”,伪装一种行为。




n. 流行,流行样式,名流,时装,时髦,式样,上流社会/ v.形成,制作,使适合,培养,改变,改革
◇ after a fashion 多少,勉强
after the fashion of 模仿,照…的样子
be all the fashion 十分流行
be in the fashion 在流行中,赶时髦
be out of fashion 过时
bring into fashion 使…流行
come into fashion 正流行
go out of fashion 逐渐过时
in the fashion of 像…的样子
make fashion 作作样子
‖ fashion access programme 时装预科课程
fashion advertisement 服装广告
fashion and clothing 时尚与服装
fashion communication时装资讯
fashion company 时装公司
fashion coordinator 时装调配师
fashion design 时装设计
fashion design technology 时装设计技术
fashion designer 时装设计师
fashion festival 时装节
fashion firm 时装公司
fashion goods 流行商品
fashion house时装店
fashion industry 时尚行业
fashion journal 时装杂志
fashion line and colour 服装线条与色彩
fashion management 时装管理
fashion marketing 服装营销
fashion marketing and promotion 时装市场和发展
fashion model 时装模特
fashion paper 时装样本
fashion parade 时装展
fashion pattern时装图案
fashion photography 时装摄影
fashion plate 时装样片
fashion portfolio 时尚作品
fashion production 时装制作
fashion promotion 时装推销
fashion share 流行股
fashion shares 热销股票
fashion shoes 时髦鞋
fashion shots 时装摄影
fashion show 时装表演,时装表演会
fashion studies 时装研究
fashion style 流行风格
fashion styling and photography 时装款式和摄影
fashionable adj. 流行的,赶时髦的
fashionable dress 时装
fashionable society 上流社会
fashionable trade mark 时髦商标
fashionable world 上流社会,社交界
fashionably adv.fashional adj. 流行的,时髦的
fashioner n.创造者
fashionist=fashionmonger fashionmonger n. 创流行者,赶时髦者





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