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单词 fain


1. glad,contented乐意的,满足的。
△Lr. 4. 7. 38 (37):“and wast thou fain,poor father,╱ To hovel theewith swine and rogues forlorn / In short and mustystraw?”可怜的父亲,你却甘心与猪和无家可归的流浪者一同躲在一个茅棚里,在一堆发霉的碎草中存身吗?
2. glad,contented,obliged高兴的,满意的,不得不的。
△As. 4. 1. 61 (59): “Why,horns! which such as youare fain to be beholding to your wives for.”嘿,两只角!那正是你不得不感谢你的妻子给你弄来的东西。
△2H. IV. 2. 1.156 (140): “By this heavenly ground I tread on,I mustbe fain to pawn both my plate and the tapestry of mydining-chambers.”凭着我踩着的这一片天堂般的土地起誓,我一定得把我的银器盘盏连同餐厅里的挂幔都当掉啦。
△H.VIII.5. 4. 61 (5. 3. 57): “that I was fain to draw mine ho-nour in,and let ’em win the work.”我这才不得不卷旗收兵,让他占领了要塞。
3. willing愿意的。
△Gent.1.1.128 (120): “Well,Iperceive I must be fain to bear with you.”唉,我看我也只好对你忍耐一些了
4. fond喜爱的。
△2H.VI.2.1.8:“Yea,man and birdsare fain of climbing high.”是的,人和鸟都爱向上爬。
5. eager. desirous渴望的,想望的。
△1H. VI. 3. 2. 113:“They that of late were daring with their scoffs╱Areglad and fain by flight to save themselves. ”他们刚才还说大话嘲笑别人,现在却只顾急急逃命去了。
△2H. VI. 3. 1.244:“Ah,York,no man alive so fain as I. ”啊,约克,活着的人当中谁也不像我这样巴不得他死。
6. (used as vb.) be glad,be pleased 高兴,满意。
△3H. VI. 4. 7. 31:“The good old man would fain thatall were well,/ So ’twere not long of him;”这个好老人愿意一切平安无事,只要他不负责任就行。


△ Gent.2.1.182 (173): “I am one that am nourished by my vict-uals,and would fain have meat.”我可是靠吃饭活着的.并且还喜欢吃肉。
△As.1.2.172 (159): “In pity of thechallenger's youth I would fain dissuade him,” 因为可怜这个挑战的人年纪轻轻,我情愿把他劝阻。
△As. 3. 3. 48(46):“I would fain see this meeting.”我倒要看看这番会见。
△Rom.2.2.88: “Fain would I dwell on form,fain,fain deny ╱What I have spoke.”我真愿意遵守着礼法.愿意.愿意把方才说过的话全都否认。
△Ham.2.2.131:“I would fain prove so.”我很愿意能证明如此。
△Lr.1.2.71 (64): “but in respect of that,I would fain thinkit were not.” 可是考虑到这一点.我但愿这不是他的笔迹
△H.V. 3. 7. 95 (83): “But I would it were morning,for I would fain be about the ears of the English.”但是我倒希望现在就是早晨.因为我很乐意去跟英国人打一仗。
△R.III. 1. 4. 74: “My soul is heavy,and I fain wouldsleep.”我的心里沉甸甸的,我很想睡一会儿。





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