释义 |
factionn. 1. party. side,adherents of a cause 一党,一方,一项事业的拥护者。 △Ham.5.2.252 (238): “Hamlet is of thefaction that is wronged.”哈姆雷特也是属于受害的一方。 △3H.VI.5.3.16: “If she have time to breathe,be well assured / Her faction will be full as strong asours.”如果她有了喘息的时间,她那一方肯定会像我们的力量一样强大。 △R.III.1.3.56: “When have I injured thee?When done thee wrong? / Or thee? or thee? or any ofyour faction?” i. e. the Queen’s family and party. 我什么时候伤害过你? 什么时候对不起你? 或是对你这个? 对你那个? 或是对你们一派中的任何一个人? △R.III.5.3.13:“theadverse faction”,敌对一方。 2. conspirators,supporters,adherents共谋者,支持者,追随者。 △1H.IV.4.1.66: “And think how such anapprehension / May turn the tide of fearful faction.”i.e. timid supporters. 并且想着这么一种想法(又译:疑惧).会怎样使得那些胆小的追随者见风转舵。 3. company一伙。 △Gent.4.1. 37:“This fellow werea king for our wild faction!”这个家伙倒可以做咱们这一伙好汉的首领! 4. union,alliance联盟,同盟。 △1H.VI.4.1.59: “For-saken your pernicious faction / And joined withCharles,the rightful King of France.”脱离与你们的有害的联盟而与法兰西的合法国王查理联合在一起。 5. factious quarrel,party strife 派别之争,党争。 △1H.VI.2.4.124:“this brawl today,/ Grown to thisfaction in the Temple garden.”今天这次争吵,在圣殿花园里发展成为派别纠纷。 6. conspiracy阴谋。 △As.5.1.62 (55): “I will bandywith thee in faction;”我要使用阴谋跟你斗争。 |