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单词 expedition


1. speed,haste,promptness迅速,急速,敏捷。
△2H. IV4. 3. 36 (33): “Have I,in my poor and old motion,the expedition of thought?”我这样上了岁数、行动不便,难道还能像思想一样迅速吗?
△R.Ⅲ.4.3. 54: “Then fieryexpedition be my wing,” i.e. then let me be wingedwith fiery promptness. 那么让火速行动做我的翅膀。
△Mac.2. 3. 117(110):“The expedition of my violentlove / Outrun the pauser,reason.”我的急暴的热情超过了犹豫的理智。
2. speed速度。
△Gent. 3. 1. 164: “swiftest expedi-tion”,最快的速度。
3. speedy motion,march迅速行动,行军。
△H.V. 2. 2189: “Let us deliver / Our puissance into the hand ofGod,╱ Putting it straight in expedition.” i. e. settingthe army at once on the march. 让我们把我们的军队交托到上帝手里.立即行动起来。
4. warlike enterprise. march of an army军事行动,进军。
△1H. VI. 4. 4. 2: “This expedition was by York andTalbot / Too rashly plotted.”这次进军是由约克和塔尔博特草率策划的。
△H. V. 1. 2. 300: “omit no happy hour╱That may give furtherance to our expedition;”不要错过了这次有利于进军的大好时机。
△R.III.4.4.136:“Whointercepts me in my expedition?”谁拦截我的行军?
5.❶progress,rapid progress前进,急进。
❷warlike en-terprise 军事行动。
△1H. IV. 4. 3. 16: “I wondermuch,╱Being men of such great leading as you are,That you foresee not what impediments/ Drag backour expedition.” i.e. What impediments prevent usfrom making rapid progress,or delay our enterprise.我非常奇怪,像你们这样具有伟大将才的人物竟然不能预见到有什么障碍会阻止我们的急进(又译:行动)。
6. enterprise事业。
△Gent. 5. 1. 6: “they spur theirexpedition.”他们急于进行他们的事情。
7. readiness in argument,having a ready knowledge.(probably) experience敏于辩论,知识完备,(或指)经验。
△H.V. 3. 2. 87 (77): “and of great expedition andknowledge in the aunchiant wars,”而且精通古代兵法,谈论起来头头是道。





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