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单词 expect


1. look for,have a previous apprehension期待,预期
△Com.4.3.61 (60): “Master,if you do,expectspoon-meat,”主人,你要去,只能指望吃些稀烂的东西
△2H.VI.3.1.327: “My Lord of Suffolk,withinfourteen days At Bristol I expect my soldiers,/ Forthere I’ll ship them all for lreland. ”萨福克大人,我在布利斯托期待着我的军队在十四天内到达,因为我要从那里用船运到爱尔兰。
2. await,wait for等候,等待。
△Gent.1.1.53:“My fa-ther at the road / Expects my coming,”我的父亲在港口等待着我呢。
△Mer.5.1.49:“Sweet soul,let’s in,and there expect their coming.”亲爱的,让我们进去等候他们吧。
△1H.VI.1.2.131: “Expect Saint Martin’s sum-mer,”等着圣马丁节的暖和天气。
△1H.VI.4.3.12:“Re-nowned Talbot doth expect my aid,”知名的塔尔博特正等候我的增援。
△1H.VI.5.3.144 (145):“And here I willexpect thy coming.”我在这里等候你的来临。
△2H.VI.49.10: “He is fled. my lord. and all his powers doyield,/ And humbly thus,with halters on theirnecks,/ Expect your highness’ doom of life ordeath. ”我的主上,他已经逃走了,他的队伍全部投降,现在都把绞索套在他们的脖子上,这样恭候陛下对他们生死做出裁判。
△R.III.3.1.37: “if my weak oratory Can from hismother win the Duke of York. / Anon expect himhere;”如果我的笨拙有力的口才能把约克公爵从他母亲那里赢得过来,你就在这里等着他吧。


v. 期待 (盼),盼望,指望,预期 (料)
◇ be expecting 怀孕
be expected to do sth.应该做…,预期做…/ expect to do sth.要求做…,希望做…
‖ be expected 是预期的
expected behaviour期望行为
expected capacity 预计生产能力
expected discrepancy 期望差距
expected family size 期望子女数
expected frequency期望次数
expected income 预期收入
expected monetary value 预期币值
expected mortality 预期死亡率
expected profit insurance 预期利润保险
expected rate of education investment 教育投资预期报酬率
expected return 预期收益
expected revenue 期望收益
expected risk 期望风险
expected table 期望表
expected utility hypothesis 预期效用假说
expected value 期望值
expected wealth effect 预期资产效果
expected wealth value 预期资产价值
expectance n. 期待
expectancy n. 期待,期望
expectancy table期望值表
expectancy theory 期望理论
expectancy-value theory 预期价值理论
expectant adj. 预期的,预定的,期望
expectant attention 预期注意
expectant heir 期待继承人
expectant mother 孕妇
expectant move预期的一招
expectant policy 观望政策
expectant virtue 期待的德行
expectantly adv.expectation n. 期待,期望(值)
◇ beyond expectations 出乎意料
fall short of one’s expectations 辜负,期望
in expectation指望,期望
in expectation of 预期,指望着,盼望着
meet one’s expectations 如愿以偿
expectation of investment decisions 对投资决策的预期
expectation of life 平均寿命,预期寿命
expectation of profits 预期利润
expectation of working life 预期工作寿命
expectation payment 期望支付
expectation reinforcement theory 预期增强理论
expectation theory 预期理论
expectation value 期望值
expectational adj. 预期的
expectational equilibrium 预期平衡
expectational factor 预期因素
expectations of customers 顾客期望
expectative adj. 期待的,预期的





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