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单词 excuse


1 . act of apologizing辩解。
△2H. IV. 4. 5. 177(178):“God put it in thy mind to take it hence,/ That thoumightst win the more thy father’s love,/ Pleading sowisely in excuse of it!”上帝使你起意把这顶王冠拿走,你才这样聪明地为自己辩解,更能赢得你父亲的宠爱。
2. apology,extenuation of faults辩护,包涵。
△Mid.5.1. 363 (355): “No epilogue. I pray you; for your play needs no excuse.”收场白就请你们免了吧,因为你们的戏用不着再请人包涵。
❷cutting out,omission砍掉,删节。
△H.V. 5. Cho. 3:“I humbly pray them to admit theexcuse / Of time,of numbers,and due course ofthings.” i.e. to excuse us in our treatment of time,ofnumbers,etc. 我恭顺地请求他们容许我们对于时间、人数和事件发展顺序各方面进行删减。


1. make excuses for,plead for,justify,vindicate为…辩解,为…辩护,为…辩白。
△Rom.3.1.71 (66): “Boy,this shall not excuse the injuries / That thou hast done me,”小子,你这样说,还是弥补不了你对我的伤害。(按:指罗米欧乔装参加凯普莱特家的舞会。)
△Wiv.3.3. 205 (194):“and excuse his throwing into the water,”把他被投入水中的事解释一下。
△As.4.1. 178 (170): “And what witcould wit have to excuse that?”那时这位有才气的女人还能有什么才气去为这种行为辩护呢?
△2H.VI.1.3. 181(178):“Pray God the Duke of York excuse himself!”愿上帝使得约克公爵为他自己辩护吧!
△ H.VIII. 5. 3. 147 (5.2. 182):“Thus far,/ My most dread sovereign,may itlike your Grace / To let my tongue excuse all.”我最尊敬的主上,请准许我为大家说这么一句话。
2. explain,account for解释,说明。
△Com.3.1.92:“she will well excuse / Why at this time the doors aremade against you.”她必能说明这一回为什么对你闭门不纳。
. pardon原谅。
△1H.VI.5.5.97:“If you do censureme by what you were,/ Not what you are,I know itwill excuse / This sudden execution of my will.”如果你用你自己年轻时的心情、而不是用你现在的心情来判断我的话,我知道你就会原谅我这样突然心血来潮的行动了。
4. beg off from... 为…告辞。
△3H.VI.5.5.46:“Clar-ence,excuse me to the King my brother; / I’ll henceto London on a serious matter.”克拉仑斯,请为我向我的兄王告辞;我有一件重要的事要去伦敦。
5. beg off from doing推托不干。
△Gent.1.3.71:“ Ex-cuse it not,for I am peremptory.”不必推托,我是说一不二的。
6. excuse oneself from telling找借口不说。
△Rom.2.5.33: “The excuse that thou dost make in this delay / Islonger than the tale thou dost excuse.”你这推托不说的借口比你找借口不说的故事还要长些。
7. free from imputation,exonerate使免受指责,证明无罪。
△H.VIII. 2. 4. 153(156):“My Lord Cardinal. I doexcuse you;”红衣主教大人,我来证明你无罪。
8. abate,remove缓和,取消。
△Rom. 3.1.67 (62):“Tybalt,the reason that I have to love thee / Dothmuch excuse the appertaining rage / To such a greet-ing.”悌暴,我自有爱你的理由,因而也就消解了对这么一种称呼应有的愤怒。


[iksˈkju:z]v.原谅,借口,辩解,依法索取(债务)[iksˈkj:s]n. 原谅,借口,辩解
◇ excuse me 对不起
excuse oneself 要求离开,要求参加…,为自己辩解
excuse oneself from 借口托辞,婉言拒绝
in excuse (of)作出…的辩解
make an excuse for 找借口
without excuse 无故,故意地
‖ excusable adj. 可原谅的,情有可原的
excusable homicide 可宽恕的杀人
excusably adv. excusal n. 原谅,免除(税款或罚款等的)/ excusatory adj. 道歉的,辩解的
excussio[ekˈskʌʃiəu]n. 依法追债
excussion n. 依法索取(债务)





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