释义 |
exceptvt. 1. object to反对。 △Tw.1.3.7:“let her except beforeexcepted.”i.e. let her object to what has been objec-ted to before. (A quibble on a legal phrase. the usuallanguage of leases: exceptis excipiendis = with the ex-ceptions aforesaid.)让她反对那早已遭到反对的吧。(又译:让她尽管反对去吧。)(按:套用租约中常用的拉丁文法律术语“除去前已声明除去之物”。) 2. exclude把…排除在外。 excepting none but: second only to 仅仅次于。 △2H.VI.1.1.192 (191): “Thy deeds,thy plainness,and thy house-keeping,/ Hath won the greatest fa-vour of the commons,/ Excepting none but goodDuke Humphrey.”你的功勋,你的光明磊落,你的殷勤好客,已经赢得了平民百姓的极大好感,仅仅次于好公爵亨弗雷。 ~ vi. object. make objection反对,提出异议。 △Gent.1.3.83:“Hath he excepted most against my love.”他对于我的恋爱竟这样无情地打击。 △Gent.2.4.156 (155):“Except thou wilt except against my love.”除非你有意挑剔我的爱人。
exceptprep. excepted,excluded,not included除…之外。 △R.III.5.3.244 (243): “Richard except,thosewhom we fight against / Had rather have us win thanhim they follow.”除了理查之外,我们与之作战的那些人都宁愿让我们得胜而不愿让他们追随的那个人打赢。
exceptconj. if not,unless若不是,除非,除了。 △Mac.1.2.40 (39): “Except they meant to bathe in reekingwounds,”i.e.If they did not mean to bathe in theenemy’s reeking wounds. 除非说他们是想在(敌人)流血的创伤中浴身。 △Shr.4.4.91: “I cannot tell,except theyare busied about a counterfeit assurance.”我也说不清,不过他们是忙着办理一场假订婚。 △1H.VI.2.5.111:“Mourn not,except thou sorrow for my good;”不必过哀,除非你为了我的好处而悲伤。 △1H.VI.3.1.33: “Andfor dissension,who preferreth peace / More than Ido,except I be provoked?”至于说到不和,还有谁比我更多次提出和平——除非我被人激怒了? △1H.VI.3.1.112:“Yield,my Lord Protector,yield,Winchester,/ Ex-cept you mean with obstinate repulse / To slay yoursovereign and destroy the realm.”退让一步吧,护国公,退让一步吧,温彻斯特,除非你们想用固执的拒绝逼死你们的君主、毁掉整个的国家。 △2H.VI.3.1.267:“Not resolute,exceptso much were done,/ For things are often spoke (i.e.spoken) and seldom meant.”这还不算坚决,除非说到办到,因为许多事情常常只是说说,并不打算办的。 △3H.VI.3.2.47: “No,“ gracious lord,except I cannot do it.”不会,仁慈的主上,除非是我不能做的事。 except[ikˈsept]v. 把…除外,反对 prep.除了…之外,除非 conj.只是,要不是 ◇ except against 反对 except for 除…外,只有 except from 除外 ‖ except a shere in after provided 下文另有规定者除外 except for otherwise stipulated 除(本法)另有规定外 exceptant[ekˈseptənt]n.例外者 adj. 例外的,以外的 excepting prep.& conj.除非,只是 exception n.除外,例外,抗议,反对,异议 ◇ by way of exception 作为例外 make an exception 破格 make no exceptions 不许在例外 take exception against=take exception to反对,抗议 with the exception of 除…之外 without exception 毫无例外 exception clause 例外条款 exception from liability 赔偿责任的免责事项 exception principle 例外原则 exceptional adj. 例外的,异常的 exceptional case 例外情况 exceptional child 异常儿童 exceptional condition 异常条件 exceptional consignment 特种货物托运 exceptional court 特别法院 exceptional hardship 严重困难 exceptional item 特殊项目,例外条款 exceptional student 特殊学生,异常学生 exceptionalism n. 例外论 exceptionally adv. exceptionally serious case 特大案件 exceptive adj. 例外的,特殊的 exceptive proposition 除外命题 |