evade[iˈveid]v. 逃 (躲)避,避开,回避,推脱 ‖ evade foreign exchange 逃汇 evade obligations 规避义务 evade payment of a tax 漏税 evade payment of duty 避税 evade struggle逃避斗争 evade taxation 漏税 evade taxes偷税 evading aircraft 进行规避的飞机 evadable adj. 可逃避的,可回避的 evader n.脱险者 evasion n. 逃避,逃税,回避,规避动作,规避机动 ◇ evasion from hold 逃避抓捏 for taking evasive action 摆脱防守 take shelter in evasions借口逃避,借口躲避 evasion and escape 脱险 evasion game 规避对策 evasion of conscription 逃避兵役 evasion of foreign exchanges 逃汇行为 evasion tactics 规避战术 tax evasion 偷税漏税 evasive adj. 含糊其词的 evasive action 规避动作 evasive capability 规避机动能力 evasive movement 摆脱动作 evasive target 规避机动目标 evasively adv./ evasiveness n. |