释义 |
equivocatorn. person who avoids telling the truth byusing words capable of a twofold interpretatio n,onewho speaks ambiguously说话模棱两可的人,说话含糊其词的人。 △Mac. 2. 3. 9 (8):“Faith,here’s an equivocator,that could swear in both the scales against eitherscale,who committed treason enough for God’s sake,vet could not equivocate to heaven. ” (An allusion toGarner,a Jesuit who confessed to the use of equivoca-tion at a trial of the Gunpowder plot in 1606)哼,这一定是一个说话模棱两可的家伙,能在正义的两个秤盘上两边发誓、两边骂,他打着上帝的名义犯下不少的叛逆之罪,但还是没法混进天堂。 |