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equala. 1.being of the same quantity or quality,of the sameweight,counter-poising each other,identical丝毫不差的,铢两悉称的,互相平衡的,完全相同的。 △1H.VI.3.2.85:“My vows are equal partners with thy vows.”我的誓言与你的誓言完全一样。 △2H.VI. 5.1.88: “Then,York,unloose thy long-imprisoned thoughts,/ And let thytongue be equal with thy heart.”i.e.speak what youthink. 那么,约克,就把你长期禁锢起来的思想都解放出来,让你的舌头把你的心思都说出来吧。 △3H.VI.3.2. 137:“Wish-ing his foot were equal with his eye,” i.e. wishingthat his foot could touch what his eye sees. 希望他的脚也能跟他的眼一样到达彼岸。 equal mates: people of one’s own rank同等身份的人。 △Gent. 3. 1. 158:“Bestow thy fawning smiles on e-qual mates,”把你那一副奉承谄媚的笑容送给和你同等身份的人吧。 2. commensurate with one’s power,not beyond one’spower与自己力量相称的,不超越自己力量的。 △As.1.2.190(177):“a more equal enterprise.”更能胜任的事情。 3. exact精确的。 △Mer.1.3.149(148):“let theforfeit / Be nominated for an equal pound / Of yourfair flesh,”那么,就按照规定.从你身上割下不多不少一磅肉,作为处罚。 4. impartial,fair,just 不偏袒的,公平的,公正的。 △H.VIII.2.2.108 (107):“Two equal men.”两位公正人士。 △H.VIII.2.4.14 (16):“having here / No judgeindifferent,nor no more assurance /Of equal friendship and proceeding.”在这里找不到不偏不倚的法官,也得不到友好对待和公正裁判的保证。
equalad. equally同等地。 △H.VIII.1.1.159:“for he isequal ravenous / As he is subtle,”因为他是非常贪婪而又同样狡猾。
equalvt. 1. match与…相配。 △3H.VI. 3. 2. 144: “My eye’s tooquick,my heart o'erweens too much. ╱ Unless myhand and strength could equal them.”除非我的手腕和实力能够与其相配,我的眼睛就未免太敏锐,我的心也未免太狂妄自大了。 △2H. VI. 4. 2. 131 (119):“To equal him,I willmake myself a knight presently.”为了要和他的身份相配,我要马上封自己为骑士。 2. compare with与…相比。 △3H.VI.5.5.55:“If thisfoul deed were by to equal it.”如果这桩罪恶行为也在那里与它相比的话。 ~ vi. cope竞争。 equal with: cope on equal terms with在势均力敌的条件下与…争斗。 △2H. IV. 1. 3. 66: “I think we are a bodystrong enough,/ Even as we are,to equal with theKing.”我想我们这个战斗集团,就凭我们现在这个样子,也强大得足够势均力敌地跟国王一争高下。 equal[ˈi:kwəl]v. 等于,相等 adj. 平等的,相等的,不相上下的,胜任的,称职的 n. 相等的人(数量) ,对手,匹敌 ◇ equal and opposite 数量相等,符号相反 equal in 相等 equal to 等于,胜任 have no equal in 在…方面无与伦比 on equal terms with 与…条件相等 without equal 无敌,无比 ‖ equal addition method 等加法 equal altitude control 等高控制 equal-appearing interval scale 等距尺度 equal distribution and consumption “大锅饭” / equal division 平均分配 equal education 同等学力 equal employment opportunity 同等就业机会 equal event 等效事件 equal extension 同等外延 equal force pulling 相等拉力 Equal Franchise Act 平等选举权法(1928年)/ equal ignorance 相等的无知 equal in legal status法律地位平等 equal mark 等号 equal opportunity 均等机会,机会均等 Equal Opportunities Commission 平等机会委员会 equal opportunity for education 均等教育机会 equal opportunity to reach the ball 同等获球机会 equal pay 同等工资 equal pay for equal work 同工同酬 equal probability sample 等概率样本 equal representation 平等代表权 equal right 平等权利 Equal Rights Association 权力平等协会(1889 年)/ equal rights for both sexes 男女平等 equal section charge 等分装药 equal security 同等安全 equal sense 均等感觉 equal sense distance 均等感觉距离 equal-sign 等号 equal suffrage 平等选举权 equal temperament 十二平均律 equal treatment 平等待遇 equal voice同声 equable[ˈekwəbl]adj. 稳定的,均等的 equably adv. equability n. / equality[i(:)ˈkwɔliti]n. 等同性,同等,均等,平等,相等,等式 ◇ be on an equality with 与…平等 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 equality clause平等条款 equality constraint 等式约束 equality mutual benefit 平等互利 equality of functions 函项等价性 equality of mankind 人类平等 equality of nations 国家平等 equality of opportunity 机会均等 equality of rate of profits 利润率平均化 equality of rights 权利平等 equality of taxation 纳税平等 equality of votes 票数均等,相同票数 sex equality 男女平等 equalisation= equalization n. 均等,均衡,平等化,同等化 equalization aid 均衡援助 equalization allowance 等额化津贴 equalization charge 平衡税 equalization claim 统一债权 equalization fund 外汇平衡基金,平衡基金 equalization grant 平衡补助金 equalization of assessments 估价平衡 equalization of costs of production 划一生产成本 equalization of rate of profit 统一利率 equalization of surplus profits 平均盈余利润 equalization of surplus-value into average profit 使剩余价值与平均利润持平 equalization of tax burden 税负平等化 equalization of wealth 财富平等化 equalization payment 平衡支付 equalization point 平均点,基点 equalization principle 均衡原则 equalization reaction 均衡反应 equalization reserve account 外汇平衡准备账户 equalization reserve 外汇平衡准备 equalization treatment 平 衡 处 理 equalitarian[iˈkwɔˈlitɛəriən]n. 平均主义 adj. 平均主义者的 equalitarian family 平权家庭 equalitarian ideology 平均主义意识形态 equalitarian personality 平均主义性格 equalitarianism n. 平均主义 equalize=equalise v. 使相等,平等,平衡 equalize a record 平纪录 equalize the dividend 均期股利,调剂股利 equalize the score 扳成平局 equalized vector 均等向量 equalizing dividend 调剂股息 equalizer =equaliser n. 补偿器,补偿电路,平衡装置 equally adv. /equally competition 平等竞争 equally likely event 等可能事件 equally weighted index 均等加权指数 equate[iˈkweit]v. 使…相等,等于 equated maturity(付款)平均到期日,平均期限 equated time 平均 到期日 equation n. 等式,方程式,等分,均衡 equation factor 换算率 equation of compatibility 协调方程式 equation of demand and supply 供求平衡 equation of exchange 交换方程式,交易方程式 equation of time 时间方程式 equations of mathmatical physics &special functions 数理方程与特殊函数 equcational adj. / equant adj. 等分的 |