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enviousa. 1. jealous嫉妒的。 △Rom. 2. 2. 4: “Arise,fair sun.and kill the envious moon,”升起来吧,美丽的太阳,赶走那嫉妒的月亮。 △Rom. 2. 2. 7: “Be not her maid,sinceshe is envious;”既然她嫉妒你,就不要做她的侍女。 △Rom3. 5. 7: “Look,love,what envious streaks / Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east.”看,爱人,怀着妒意的晨光已经把那边东方的碎云镶起了花边。 △As. 2. 1. 3:“Arenot these woods / More free from peril than the envi-ous court?”这森林难道不是比充满猜忌的宫廷更少危险吗? 2. malicious,malignant,spiteful,full of ill-feeling,hostile恶意的,有害的,怀恨的,充满恶感的,有敌意的。 △L. L. L. 1. 1. 100: “Berowne is like an envioussneaping frost / That bites the first-born infants ofthe sprin g.”俾隆就像一阵冷酷无情的严霜,咬死了春天初生的花苞。 △Mer. 3. 2. 283 (282):“But none can drive himfrom the envious plea / Of forfeiture,of justice,andhis bond.”但是没有人能劝动他撤销他那险恶的控诉,他坚持要处罚(安东尼),要依法办事,要履行借约。 △As. 1. 2. 258(241): “My father’s rough and envious disposition /Sticks me at heart.”我父亲的粗鲁嫉恨的脾气真刺伤了我的心。 △Rom.3.1.173 (167): “underneath whose armAn envious thrust from Tybalt hit the life / Of stoutMercutio,”悌暴怀着毒心,冷不防从(罗米欧)臂下刺了一剑,击中了勇敢的墨故求的要害。 △Rom.3.2.40:“Can heavenbe so envious?” 上天竟会这样狠毒吗? △1H.VI.3.4.32:“Yes,sir,as well as you dare patronage╱The enviousbarking of your saucy tongue/Against my lord theDuke of Somerset.”是的,先生,正像你敢坚持你那无礼的舌头所发出的恶毒狂吠、辱骂我的主人萨默塞特公爵一样 △1H. VI. 3. 1. 25: “The King,thy sovereign,is notquite exempt / From envious malice of thy swellingheart.”国王.你的主上,也不能完全避免受到你那膨胀的野心的恶毒暗算。 △1H.VI. 4. 1. 89: “Crossing the sea fromEngland into France,This fellow here with enviouscarping tongue / Upbraided me about the rose I wear,”在从英国渡海到法兰西途中,这个家伙用他那恶毒的、吹毛求疵的舌头对我佩戴的这朵玫瑰横加指摘。 △2H. VI. 2. 411: “The abject people gazing on thy face,/ With en-vious looks laughing at thy shame,”那些下贱的老百姓盯着你的脸.带着恶毒的神情嘲笑你的羞辱。 △3H. VI. 5. 6. 24:“and thyself,the sea / Whose envious gulf did swal-low up his life. ”而你自己就是以它那凶恶的旋涡把他的生命吞没的大海。 △R.III.1.3.25: “I do beseech you,eithernot believe╱The envious slanders of her false accuse-rs,”我请求你不要相信诬告她的那些人的恶意诽谤。 △R.III.1.4.36: “and often did I strive / To yield the ghost,but still the envious flood / Stopped in my soul,”我多次努力要使灵魂脱离躯体,但那恶意的潮水却一直堵住我的灵魂。 △H.VIII.2.1. 44: “That trick of state / Was a deepenvious one.”这种政治手腕真是阴险恶毒。 △H.VIII.3.2.244 (243):“Follow your envious courses,men of mal-ice!”居心不良的人们,追随你们恶毒的道路吧! 3. malicious,malignant恶毒的,有害的。 △Rom.1.1.156(151): “an envious worm,”害虫。 4. hateful,detestable可恨的.可恶的。 △3H.VI.3.2.157: “To make an envious mountain on my back,Where sits deformity to mock my body;”还使我的脊背上鼓起一个可恶的山峰,让畸形怪状高踞在那里嘲笑我的身体。 △Shr. Ind. 2. 67 (65): “Like envious floods o' errunher lovely face,”那可憎的滔滔泪潮流满了她那可爱的面庞。 |