a. chosen精选的。
△H.VIII.2.4.58(60): “Yea,the elect o’(= of) the land,who are assembled / Toplead your cause.”是的,他们都是国内精选出来的人物,聚集在这里为你辩护。
vt. choose,accept,acknowledge选择,接受,承认。
△1H.VI.4.1.3:“Now,Governor of Paris,take your
v. 选择,选举,决定,推选
adj. 选中的,当选的
◇ be elected 当选为…/ carry an election 当选
elect...to... 选举…当
‖ elect by difference 差额选举
elect by secret ballot 无记名投票选举
elected legislature由选举产生的立法机关
elected member 民选议员,选任委员
elected representation 民选代议制度
elected seat 民选议席
right to be elected 被选举权
electee n. 当选者,当选人
election n. 选择,选举,当选
competitive election 差额选举
contested election 差额选举
direct election 直接选举
election advertisement 选举广告
election agent 选举代理人
election assistant选举助理
election broadcasting 竞选广播
election campaign 竞选运动
election campaigning 竞选活动
Election Committee 选举委员会
Election Committee ballot paper选举委员会选票
Election Committee counting zone 选举委员会点票区
Election Committee final register 选举委员会正式登记册
Election Committee polling station 选举委员会投票站
Election Committee subsector election 选举委员会界别分组选举
Election Committee subsector 选举委员会界别分组
Election Committee subsector election 选举委员会小组选举
election communication 选举函件,竞选刊物
election corruption 选举舞弊
election cycle 选举周期
election date 选举日期,投票日,选举日
election debate 竞选辩论
election deposit 选举按金
election expense agent 选举开支代理人
election expenses 选举开支,选举经费
election expenses limit 选举开支限额
election forum 选举论坛
Election Law 选举法
election loan fund 选举贷款基金
election manifesto 竞选宣言
election material 竞选资料
election meeting 选举会议
election notice 选举公告
election petition 选举呈请,选举呈请书
election platform 竞选政纲
election poll 选举民意调查
election procedure 选举程序
election proceedings 选举程序
election process 选举程序
election program 选举纲领
election publication 竞选刊物
election publicity campaign 选举宣传运动
election related document 与选举有关的文件
election result 选举结果
election speech 竞选演说
election statement 竞选声明
election to the office of 当选
general election 大选
right to stand for election 被选举权
selective election 差额选举
elections at the basic level 基层选举
electioneer v. 拉选票,竞选
electioneering activity 竞选活动,助选活动,拉票活动
electioneering material竞选资料
electioneering team 助选团
electioneerer n.拉选票者,竞选者
elective adj.有选举权的,可选择的,选修的
elective campaign 竞选活动
elective course 选修课
elective culture 选择培养
elective subjects 选修科目
elective system 选修制
electives n. 选修课
elector n. elector’s certificate 选民证
electoral adj.electoral college选举团
Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC)选举管理委员会
electoral area 选举区域
electoral arrangements 选举安排
electoral boundary map 选区分界地图
electoral bribery 选举贿赂行为
electoral college 选举团
electoral committee 选举委员会
electoral constituency 选区
electoral district (ward)选区
electoral division 选举分组
electoral document 选举文件
electoral franchise 选举权
electoral law 选举法
electoral machinery 选举机构,选举方法
electoral matter 选举事项
electoral offence选举中的违法行为,选举事务主任
electoral package 选举方案
electoral paper 选举文件
electoral policy 选举政策
electoral procedure 选举程序
electoral process 选举程序
electoral provision 选举规定
electoral record 选民记录
electoral reform 选举改革
electoral register 选民登记册,选民登记
Electoral Registration Officer 选举登记主任
electoral results 选举结果
electoral roll 选民名册
electoral system 选举制度,选举人制
electoral unit 选举单位
electoral vote 选举人票
electoralism n. 选票至上主义
electorate n. 选民范围,全体选民,选民,选民人数