ebbn. 1. reflux of the tide退潮。 △3H.VI.4.8.55: “Nowstops thy spring,my sea shall suck them dry,/ Andswell so much the higher by their ebb.”现在你这孔泉水堵住了,我这大海就要把那些小溪吸干,它们都退落了,大海就涨得更高。 2.i.e. decline,decay退潮,(比喻)衰落,衰微。 low ebb of linen: shortage of linen shirts缺少亚麻布衬衫。 △2H.IV.2.2.22(19):“for it is a low ebb of linenwith thee when thou keepest not racket there;”你不拿球拍到网球场玩的时候,一定是因为你的衬衫不够了。 ebb[eb]n.&v.退潮,落潮,衰败 (落) ◇ at a low ebb 衰败,不景气 ebb and flow 对…极为欣赏,完全相信,涨落,盛衰 on the ebb正在退落,衰落 ‖ ebb-tide n. 退潮 |