释义 |
earnestn. 1.small payment as an instalment to secure a bargain.initial advance payment,pledge money定钱,预付金,保证金。 △Lr.1.4.103 (93):“Now,my friendly knave,I thank thee. There’s earnest of thy service.”喂,我的好仆人,谢谢你。这是留你侍候我的定钱。 △Ado.2.1.42(40):“take sixpence in earnest”. 接受六便士的预酬金。 △H.V.2.2.168:“Joined with an enemy proclaimed.and from his coffers / Received the golden earnest ofour death;”与国家的公开敌人串通一起,从他的钱库里接受预付定金,置我于死。 △H.V.5.1.67 (63): “I take thygroat in earnest of revenge ”我接受你这四便士,当做报仇的定钱。 △1H. VI.5.3.15: “I’ll lop a member off andgive it you / In earnest of a further benefit,”我愿砍下一条胳膊给你们,作为将来更大酬谢的保证金。 2. pledge,proof,promise保证,证据,允诺。 △Mac.1.3.104: “And for an earnest of a greater honour,╱ Hebade me,from him,call thee Thane of Cawdor;” 并且,做为更大的尊荣的保证,国王嘱咐我先称你为考道伯爵。 △Mac.1.3. 131:“If ill,/Why hath it given me ear-nest of success,/ Commencing in a truth?” i.e. Thewitches’ words cannot be bad,because they have giv-en me a pledge of success by beginning with some-thing that has actually become true. 如果出于恶(又译:恶意,凶兆),为什么它给我的成功保证,一开始就应验了呢?
earnesta. 1. ardent,eager,violent 强烈的,热切的,激烈的。 △2H. VI.3.2. 316: “My tongue should stumble inmine earnest words,”我的舌头会因为我的言词激烈而结结巴巴。 2. serious,sincere,(quibbling on) money paid in ad-vance as a pledge,pledge认真的,诚挚的,(双关)定金,保证。 △Gent.2.1.164 (156):“but did you perceive herearnest ?”不过难道你没有看出她是诚意的吗? (又可理解为:难道你没有看出她(对爱情)的保证吗?——下文凡伦丁即按此理解回答。) earnest[ˈə:nist]adj. 认真的,严肃的,重要的n. 认真,保证金,定金 ◇ in earnest 认真地 in real earnest 认真地 in sad earnest 一本正经地,十分严肃的 make an earnest request for 迫切需要… ‖ earnest money 定金 earnestly adv./ earnesthess n./ earnest-money n. 保证金/ |