释义 |
dulceta. sweet to the ear,melodious悦耳的,音调优美的。 △As. 5.4.67 (64):“According to the fool’s bolt,sir,and such dulcet diseases.”i.e. such sweet mortifi-cations,such pleasing discomforts. (A jester’s shaftsof wit are entertaining but can strike painfullyhome.)傻子(弄臣)说话总是出口伶俐,能逗人一乐.也惹人不快,(按: dulcet diseases尚无定解,有学者释为“悦耳的烦恼”或“讨人喜欢的不愉快”,也有学者将diseases改为discourses。) △ Mer.3.2.51:“As are those dulcet sounds in breakof day╱ That creep into the dreaming bridegroom’sear,╱And summon him to marriage.”像是在黎明时分送进正在做着好梦的新郎的耳中,催他起来举行婚礼的甜美的琴声。(按:英国古俗,婚礼的当天早晨,在新郎窗下奏乐。) △Mid.2.1.150: “And heard a mermaid on a dolphin’s back /Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath,” 听见一个美人鱼骑在海豚背上唱出美妙和谐的歌声。 △Tw.2.3.60(56): “To hear by the nose,it is dulcet in contagion.”i.e. If we could hear with our nose,we might call itsweet in stench. 若是能用鼻子来听,他唱的倒是臭得好听。 dulcet[ˈdʌlsit]adj.优美的,悦耳的,动听的 ‖ dulcet melody美妙的乐曲,和谐的旋律,悦耳的歌声 dulcify v.使愉快,使甜美 |