释义 |
divisionn. 1. separation分离,分开。 △Tw.5.1.232 (222): “Howhave you made division of yourself?”你怎么会分身呢?2. subdivision,variety,variation细分的部分,变种,变化。 △Mac.4.3.95: “but abound / In the division ofeach several crime,”但是每一样罪恶的种种变化,我却非常富有,在各方面表现出来。 3. fraction片断,一点儿。 △Mer.4.1.330 (329): “Orthe division of the twentieth part / Of one poor scru-ple.”哪怕只有一吩(药剂量名)的二十分之一那么一点点。 4. disunion分裂。 △1H.IV.4.1.61:“The quality andhair of our attempt / Brooks no division.”我们这次尝试行动的性质和种类是不容许分裂的。 △2H.IV.3.1.78:“Foretelling this same time’s condition / And the di-vision of our amity.”预言着现在这样的时局以及我们友谊的分裂。 △R.III.5.4.40 (5.5.27): “All this dividedYork and Lancaster. / Divided in their dire division,”约克与兰开斯特的两家不和的全体王族,一直处于可怕的分裂之中。 △Lr.1.2.152(136):“O,these eclipses doportend these divisions!”唉,这些日蚀、月蚀就预兆了这些分崩离析! △Lr.1.2.164(146):“divisions in state,”国家分裂。 △Lr.3.1.19:“There is division,/ Althoughas yet the face of it is covered / With mutual cunning,’twixt Albany and Cornwall;”奥本尼和康华尔两人之间,虽然在表面上互相用诡计遮掩,实际上已经有了分裂。 5. discord,contention,quarrel不和,争论,争吵。 △Lr.3.3.8: “There is division between the Dukes,and a worse matter than that.”现在两位公爵之间有了争论,此外还有一件更糟的事情。 △Oth. 4. 1. 243 (231): “ls theredivision ’twixt my lord and Cassio?”在将军和凯西奥之间有什么分歧吗? △1H.VI.4.1.193:“But more,when en-vy breeds unkind division.”更不妙的是仇恨产生出不正常的冲突。 6. disposition,arrangement布置,安排。 △Ado.5.1234 (224):“Rightly reasoned,and in his own divi-sion,”i.e. according to his own method of arrange-ment. 道理讲得很正确,而且是按照他自己所安排的层次 △Oth.1.1.23:“Nor the division of a battle knows”,也不懂得军队的部署。 7. body of soldiers under a single command 队伍。 △2H.IV.1.3.70:“For his divisions,as the times dobrawl,/ Are in three heads,”因为他的队伍,由于当前争斗四起,已经分为三支。 8. (musical term) embellishment or florid phrase in amelody,rapid melodious passage乐曲中的装饰音或花音,旋律优美的曲段。 △1H.IV.3.1.207 (205): “for thytongue / Makes Welsh as sweet ditties highlypenned,/ Sung by a fair queen in a summer’sbower,/ With ravishing division,to her lute.”因为你的语言使得威尔士语听起来就像是用高雅风格写出的歌曲,再由一位美丽的女王在夏日的园亭中伴着弦琴,以迷人的声音进行歌唱。 9. rapid. florid ornamentation of a melody. in whicha number of short notes are sung to one syllable(withplay on “separation”). (唱歌中的)快速的花哨装饰音(双关:分离)。 △Rom.3.5.29: “Some say the lark makessweet division; / This doth not so,for she divideth us.”有人说云雀会发出千变万化的甜蜜的歌声,这一只却不然,因为她只使我们彼此分离。 division除法数学中一基本运算方法。乘法的逆运算。例如:b≠0,a除以b的商为c,记作a÷b=c,a/b=c。a称为“被除数”,b称为“除数”,÷为“除号”。 |