释义 |
divinityn. 1. theology神学。 △Lr.4.6.101 (98):“To say ‘ay’and ‘no’ to every thing that I said! ‘Ay’and‘no’ toowas no good divinity.”i.e. It went against the Chris-tian doctrine to say both “yes” and “no” to the samequestion in order to please the speaker. 不管我说什么,我说“是”,他们就说“是”;我说“不”,他们就说“不”。像这样唯唯诺诺可不合乎神道。 △Oth.2.3.359 (350): “Divinity ofhell!”i.e. Theology or moral teaching of the devil!魔鬼的神学! (又译:魔鬼的哲理!) △H.V.1.1.38: “Hearhim but reason in divinity.” 只消听他谈一谈神学。 2. something holy. super natural influence. mysteriouspower神圣意味,神秘影响,神力。 △Wiv.5.1.3: “Theysay there is divinity in odd numbers.”据说单数有神圣意味。 △Tw.1.5.234 (216): “to your ears,divinity; toany other’s,profanation.” 让你的耳朵听,是神圣;让别人听,就是亵渎。 3. holy message,theological discourse神谕,神学说教。 △Tw.1.5.236 (218): “Give us the place alone,wewill hear this divinity.”你们都走开,我要听一听这段神谕 |