释义 |
dispraisevt. 1. blame,censure,speak of as faults责怪,指摘,当做毛病说起。 △H.V.5.2.211 (199):“and I know,Kate,you will to her dispraise those parts in me that you lovewith your heart.”我还知道,你对她说话的时候,把你打心眼里喜欢我的地方当做短处指摘一番。 2. disparage,belittle贬低,小看。 △1H.IV.5.2.58:“Making you ever better than his praise / By still dis-praising praise valued with you,” i.e.disparagingpraise since it could not come up to your merits. 认为你远远超过了他的赞美,只怪对你的任何赞美都不够分量。 3. belittle. speak in disparagement 贬 低,毁 谤 △2H.IV.2.4.345 (314): “Not to dispraise me,andcall me pantler and bread-chipper and I know notwhat?”没有毁谤我,还说我是厨房司务和削面包的仆人,以及我不知道的别的什么吗? △2H.IV.2.4.350 (319): “I dis-praised him before the wicked. that the wicked mightnot fall in love with him;”我在坏人面前毁谤他,为的是让坏人不会爱上他。 △Rom.3.5.237: “to dispraise mylord with that same tongue”,现在用同 一条舌头来诋毁他。 dispraise[disˈpreiz]v.& n.贬低,损誉 |