dispensevb. dispense with: 1. put up with忍受。 △Com .2.1.103: “Unfeelingfools can with such wrongs dispense.”只有无情的蠢物才能忍受这样的虐待。 2. set aside,neglect,disregard 撤销,忽略,不顾。 △1H.VI.5.5.28:“How shall we then dispense withthat contract╱And not deface your honour with re-proach?”那么,我们怎样撤销那项婚约而不使你的荣誉受到丑名的玷污呢? 3. come to terms or compound with ... for an of-fence,obtain dispensation from为某种罪过而与…达成妥协,从…得到特许。 △2H.VI.5.1.181: “Canst thou dis-pense with heaven for such an oath?” 违背了这样的誓言,你能得到上天的许可吗? dispense[disˈpens]v.执行,分配,给予,豁免,免除,配方(药),发药,加注,扩展,散开,退庭adj.分散的 ◇ dispense with省却,免除,无需,没有…也行 ‖ dispensing justice实施法律 dispensing with service免除劳役 dispensability n. dispensable adj.不重要的,不必要的 dispensary n.分配器,子母弹箱,加注器 dispensation n.豁免权,天命,天道,天启特许 Dispensation Power特许权 dispensatism n. 天命史观 dispenser n. 自动售货机 dispersal n.分散,疏散,驱散,传播 dispersal airfield疏散机场 dispersal anchorage疏散锚地 dispersal area疏散地域 dispersal layout分散配置 dispersal of formation队形散开 dispersal site疏开阵地 dispersancy n.分散力 dispersancy index分散指数 dispersed adj. dispersed airdrome疏开机场 dispersed air attack分散空袭 dispersed area分散轰炸 dispersed deployment疏开配置 dispersed learning分散学习 dispersed state分散状态 dispersed system分散体系 dispersed university分散大学 dispersedly adv. dispersant n.分散剂 dispersion n.传播,散射,离差,差量 dispersion bombing分散轰炸 dispersion effect分散效应 dispersion error散布误差 dispersion of fire射弹散布 dispersion of grouping弹群散布 dispersion of races种族扩散 dispersion of redundant employees分流富余人员 dispersion pattern射弹散布图 dispersion rate扩散率 dispersion zone散布区域 dispersity =dispersiveness n.分散,扩散 dispersive adj.分散的,扩散的 dispersive action分散作用 dispersive capacity扩散能力 dispersive target离散目标 dispersivity n.分散性,弥散性 |