释义 |
disordern. 1. want of order. confusion,commotion无秩序,混乱,骚动。 △H.V.4.5.17:“Disorder,that hath spoiled us,friend us now!”把我们毁掉的混乱,现在来帮我们的忙吧! 2. agitation of mind. lack of self-control,discompo-sure精神不安,失去自制,失常。 △Mac.3.4.109 (108):“You have displaced the mirth. broke the goodmeeting. ╱ With most admired disorder. ” i.e . With a-mazing lack of self-control. 你以这样惊人的失态,扫掉了大家的高兴,破坏了这次盛会。 3. disorderly act. misconduct骚乱行为,不端行为。 △Lr.1 . 2 . 126 (112): “Machinations,hollowness. treachery,and all ruinous disorders follow us disquietly to ourgraves.”阴谋,虚伪,奸诈和一切毁坏性的纷扰追随着我们,扰攘不安地把我们送进坟墓。 △Lr.2.4.202 (199):“I set himthere: but his own disorders / Deserved much less ad-vancement.”是我把他放在那里的;但是他自己的胡作非为本该受到更坏的处分。 disorder[disˈɔ:də]v.使混乱,弄乱,扰乱n.混乱,骚乱,紊乱,异常 ◇ be in wild disorder乱七八糟的 fall into disorder陷入混乱 in disorder混乱的,紊乱 ‖ disorder of speech言语错乱 disorders of will意志紊乱 disordered chain无序链 disordered orientation不规则排列 disordered state无序状态 disordered structure无序结构 disordering effect无序化效应 disorderliness n.disorderliness in a public place妨碍社会治安 disorderly adv.紊乱,杂乱 disorderly conduct妨害治安行为 disorderly house赌场,妓院 disorderly person危害治安分子
disorder[disˈɔ:də]n.混乱,无秩序状态 |