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disfigurevt. 1. mar the figure of,confuse毁坏…的形相(使…丢脸),使困窘。 △Shr.1.2. 114(113): “an she stand him but alittle,he will throw a figure in her face,and so dis-figure her with it,”只要她顶撞他一下,他就会当面丢给她顿脏话.叫她臊得无处躲。 2. obliterate,destroy抹煞,毁坏。 △Mid.1.1. 50: “andwithin his power ╱ To leave the figure or disfigureit. ”他有权留下它,也有权把它毁掉。 3. deform,(blunder for) figure,i.e. represent毁损面貌,使变丑;(错用为)代表。 △Mid. 3.1.64 (60) : “and sayhe comes to disfigure,or to present,the person ofMoonshine.”就说他是代表或者扮演“月光”的。 disfigure[disˈfigə]v.损毁,毁容,破相 ‖ disfigured target face打得太烂的靶面 disfiguration[disˌfi:gjuˈreiʃən]n. 毁容,畸形 disfigurement n.毁形 |