释义 |
directionn. 1. instruction,guidance指示,指引。 △Oth.1. 3. 300(298): “I have but an hour / Of love. of worldly mat-ter and direction / To spend with thee.”我只有一个小时跟你在一起谈谈情爱,还有一些事务需要交代。 giving direction: (cant of highwaymen) making theplans to be executed by robbers (向盗贼)指点路数。 △1H.IV. 2.1.55 (50):“for thou variest no morefrom picking of purses than giving direction dothfrom labouring:”因为你跟扒手的区别不过是你指点路数而叫他下手。 2. order,tactical arrangement命令,作战部署。 △R.III.5.3.237 (236):“Why. then ’tis time to arm and give direction.”嗨,那就该是披挂铠甲发布命令的时候了。 3. capacity for directing. military command,militarytactics指挥能力,军事指挥,战术。 △R. III.5. 3. 16: “Callfor some men of sound direction.” i.e skilled in mili-tary command.找几个善于指挥的人来。 △R.III. 5.3.303(302):“A good direction,warlike sovereign.”指挥得很好,善战的主君。 4. way things are going; straightforward object事物的趋向;直接的目的。 △ Ham. 2.1.66 (63):“By indirectionsfind directions out;” i.e. By indirect methods find outthe straightforward objects. 善于用间接的方法达到直接的目的(又译:找出事情的趋向)。 |