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单词 digest


1. swallow,stomach. endure,put up with吞咽,忍下,忍受,容忍。
△L.L.L. 5. 2. 290 (289): “digest this harshindignity.”忍受这样苛刻的侮辱。
△H. V. 3. 6. 136 (125):“Bid him therefore consider of his ransom,whichmust proportion the losses we have borne,the subjectswe have lost,the disgrace we have digested ;”所以叫他还是考虑一下怎样准备他的赎金吧,那是必须跟我们所遭受的损失,所丧失的臣民,所忍受的耻辱,成正比例的。
△H.VIII.3.2.52: “But will the King / Digest this letter of theCardinal’s? / The Lord forbid!”但是国王会容忍红衣主教的这封信吗? 上帝不许如此!
2. assimilate. apportion. absorb and share吸收,分配,吸收并分享。
△Lr.1.1.129 (127): “Cornwall andAlbany,╱ With my two daughters’ dowers digest thisthird.”康华尔,奥本尼,除了我两个女儿的嫁奁.把这三分之一也拿去分了吧。
3. arrange methodically,dispose of有条理地安排,处置。
△ R.III.3.1.199: “Come,let us sup betimes. thatafterwards / We may digest our complots in someform.”来,我们快点吃晚饭,然后我们就可以把我们的密谋安排得有条有理。
4. dissipate,disperse,distribute 消耗,使消散,散布。
△1H.VI.4.1.166: “And like true subjects,sons ofyour progenitors,/ Go cheerfully together anddigest / Your angry choler on your enemies.”要像忠诚的臣子,像你们高贵祖先的子孙那样,高高兴兴地一同上阵,把你们的怒气都发泄到敌人身上。
5.❶swallow,put up with,stomach吞咽,容忍,忍下。
❷make arrangements about,dispose of,get rid of对…做出安排,处理,除去。
△H.V.2. Cho.31: “and we’lldigest / The abuse of distance;”咱们要容许(处理好)不同地点的变换。


◇ a digest of the week’s news一周新闻摘要
‖ digest of cases案例摘要
Digest of Criminal Law刑法典
digester n. 做摘要者,蒸锅digestible adj.容易消化的
digestibility n.digestibility coefficient消化系数
digestion n.
◇have the digestion of an ostrich消化力强
digestion period老化周期
digestion time消化时间
digestive adj. 可消化的





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