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单词 difference


1. distinguishing characteristic. distinction. featureout of the ordinary显著特点,特性.非凡特色。
△Ham.5.2.112 (107): “full of most excellent differences,”有种种非凡的特长。
2. distinction,distinction of rank or class差别,身份差别,上下尊卑之分。
△H.VIII.1.1. 138: “or proclaim╱There's difference in no persons.”,i. e. distinction ofrank between no person. 否则我就要宣布人和人之间已经没有贵贱差别。
△Lr. 1 . 4. 99 (89):“I’ll teach you differ-ences.” i. e. I’ll teach you the difference betweenyourself and the king. 我要教训你知道尊卑上下。
3. change变化。
△Lr. 5. 3 . 290 (289):“That from yourfirst of difference and decay,/ Have followed yoursad steps,” 自从你一开始改变命运、遭受坎坷,我就一直追随着你的不幸的足迹。
4. (term in heraldry) variation or special mark made on one coat of arms to distinguish different membersor different branches of the same family (纹章学用语,指)在盾形纹章上为了区别同一家族中的不同成员或不同支派而做出的变化或特殊标记。
△Ham.4.5.181 (183):“You mustwear your rue with a difference.” i.e. The Queenshould wear it for repentence,whereas Ophelia wearsit for sorrow. 啊,你佩带芸香的方法可以有点变化(意义不同——表示悔恨)。
△Ado . 1 . 1 . 70 (68): “let him bear itfor a difference between himself and his horse,” 让他保存起来,叫他跟他的马儿有个分别吧。
5. disagreement,dispute,controversy. quarrel争执,争论,争吵。
△H . VIII. 1.1. 101:“The state takes notice ofthe private difference / Betwixt you and the Cardi-nal.”上边已经注意你和红衣主教之间的私人争执。
△H.VIII.3. 1 . 57 (58): “How you stand minded in the weightydifference / Between the King and you,”你对于在国王和你之间的这场重大争论,是怎么打算的。
△Lr. 2. 1 . 124(122):“Our father he hath writ,so hath our sister,/Of differences,which I best thought it fit /To answerfrom our home.”我们的父亲和姐姐都写信来诉说他们之间的争吵,我想最好还是不在家里写回信。
6. ground of quarrel,point in dispute争吵的理由,争论之点。
△Lr . 2 . 2 . 55 (51):“What is your difference? Speak.”你们为什么争吵? 说。
△Mer .4 . 1. 171 : “Areyou acquainted with the difference╱ That holds thispresent question in the court?”现在法庭上正审理的案子中的争执之处.你已经知道了吧?
7. conflict,battle冲突.战斗。
place of difference: battlefield战场。
△2H. IV. 4 . 1.181 (179):“Or to the place of difference call theswords / Which must decide it.”再不然就到战场上用刀剑决定胜负。





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