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单词 dian:


i.e. Diana. goddess of the hunt and of chastit y 狄安.(即)狄安娜,狩猎和贞洁的女神。
△Shr.2.1. 253(258):“Did ever Dian so become a grove / As Katethis chamber with her princely gait?”在树林里漫步的狄安娜,能够比得上凯特在这间厅堂里姗姗而行的姿态吗?
△Ado. 4.1.57:“You seem to me as Dian in her orb,”我看你就像月里的狄安娜一样。
△Oth.3.3. 387 (386): “Hername,that was as fresh ╱ As Dian’s visage,”她的名誉,本来像狄安娜的容颜一样洁白。
△ 3H. VI. 4.8.21: “Ormodest Dian circled with her nymphs.”或者像贤淑的狄安娜被一群仙女所环绕。
Dian’s bud: the flower of the Agnus Castus,the treeof chastity,a branch of which is borne by Diana,thegoddess of chastity狄安的花苞.指贞洁女神狄安娜手持的牡荆树(“贞洁之树”)枝上的花苞,据说有保佑男女贞洁之力。
△Mid.4.1.79 (73): “Dian’s bud o’er Cupid’sflower Hath such force and blessed power.”狄安娜的花苞力量大,胜过丘匹德的花。
Dian’s wit: i. e. Diana’s intelligence and wisdom toremain chaste and free from the passio n of love狄安娜为保持童贞不受情欲影响的聪明智慧。
△Rom. 1.1. 214 (208):“She’ll not be hit / With Cupid’s arrow. she hath Dian’swit;”丘匹德的箭射不中她,她有狄安娜那样的聪明智慧。





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