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单词 devise


1. contrive,plan设计,计划。
△ As.3.2.158 (149):“Thus Rosalind of many parts / By heavenly synodwas devised,”所以这十全十美的罗萨琳,乃是上天诸神共同商量所造成。
△Mid.1.1.213: “Through Athens’ gateshave we devised to steal.”我们打算从雅典的城门偷偷逃走。
△2H.VI.3.1.58: “Did he not,contrary to form oflaw. / Devise strange deaths for small offences done?”他不是违反法律手续,设计出种种酷刑把犯了小罪的人处死吗?
2. contrive,invent,forge设计,捏造,伪造。
△Oth.3.4.11: “and for me to devise a lodging and say he lieshere,or he lies there.”我若捏造一个住处,说他住在这里,或者他住在那里。
△2H.IV.5.1.86 (78): “I will devisematter enough out of this Shallow to keep Prince Har-ry in continual laughter the wearing out of six fash-ions.”我要从这个夏禄身上制造出足够的谈话资料,使得哈利王子笑个不停,直到六种时尚的结束。
△R.III.2.2.21: “theKing,provoked to it by the Queen,/Devised im-peachments to imprison him;”国王,在王后挑唆之下,捏造罪名把他监禁起来。
△R.III.5.3.307 (306):“A thing de-vised by the enemy.”这是敌人捏造的东西。
△R.III.5.3310(309): “Conscience is but a word that cowardsuse,/ Devised at first to keep the strong in awe.”良心不过是胆小鬼使用的字眼儿,捏造出来为了使强者胆怯。
3. fancy,imagine,think of设想,想像,想出。
△2H.IV.5.3.135(133): “Come,Pistol,utter more to me. and withal devise something to do thyself good.” 来,皮斯多,再对我多说说;另外,你也想想怎样对你有好处。
△Ado.4.1.284 (279): “With no sauce that can be devised toit.”不管什么调味的油酱都不能帮助我把说过的话吃下去~ vi.
1. lay schemes,think,ponder 拟订计划,想,思考。
△1H.VI.1.1.172: “And for his safety there I’ll bestdevise.”我要尽力定出计划保护他的安全。
2. conceive,imagine,guess想像,猜像。
△Rom.3.1.74(69): “But love thee better than thou canst devise,”而且你也想像不出我是怎样爱你。
3. explain,give an account解释,说明。
△Ham.4.7.53:“Can you devise me?” i.e.Can you explain it tome?你能给我解释吗?
4. decide决定。
△1H.VI.1.2.124: “My lord. whereare you? What devise you on?” i.e. What are your in-tentions? What do you decide?我的主上,你究竟意下如何?你到底拿定什么主张?





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