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单词 depreciate


‖ depreciated cost折余成本
depreciated currency贬值通货
depreciated money贬值货币
depreciable adj.可贬值的
depreciable assets应折旧资产
depreciable cost应折旧成本
depreciable life应折旧年限
depreciable property应计折旧财产
depreciation n.贬值
depreciation account折旧账户
depreciation accounting折旧会计
depreciation account method折旧账法
depreciation allowance折旧费
depreciation allowed可提折旧额
depreciation and depletion折旧与报废
depreciation-annuity method年金折旧法
depreciation-appraisal method估价折旧法
depreciation-arbitrary method任意折旧法
depreciation base折旧基价,折旧基数
depreciation by composite life method平均年限折旧法
depreciation by declining balance method余额递减法折旧
depreciation by percentage of original cost原始成本定率折旧
depreciation by production method产量折旧法
depreciation by replacement method重置成本法折旧
depreciation by straight-line method直线法折旧
depreciation by working hours method工作时间法折旧
depreciation charge折旧费
depreciation cost折旧成本
depreciation expenses折旧费
depreciation fund折旧基金
depreciation life折旧年限
depreciation methods折旧方法
depreciation of capital资本折旧
depreciation of currency货币贬值
depreciation of fixed assets固定资产折旧
depreciation of machinery机器折旧费
depreciation of major repair大修折旧
depreciation of monetary standard货币本位贬值
depreciation of money货币贬值
depreciation of silver银价下跌
depreciation on fixed assets固定资产折旧
depreciation on property财产折旧
depreciation provision account method折旧准备账法
depreciation quota折旧配额
depreciation rate折旧率
depreciation table折旧表
depreciative adj.deprecatory adj.





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