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deposevt. dethrone废黜。 △1H.IV.2.4.484 (435):“Depose me?”篡夺我的王位吗? △R.III.1.3.161 (160):“If not that I am queen you bow like subjects,/ Yetthat,by you deposed,you quake like rebels.” i.e. Ifyou bow not as subjects because I am queen. at leastyou quake like rebels because you have deposed me. 如果你们不因为我是王后而对我低头膜拜,至少也要因为我被你们废黜而像叛徒一样在我面前发抖吧。 ~ vi. swear an oath,take a solemn oath发誓,庄严宣誓。 △3H.VI.1.2.25:“Henry had none (i.e. no authori-ty). but did usurp the place. / Then. seeing ’twas hethat made you to depose,/ Your oath,my lord,isvain and frivolous. ”亨利并没有什么权威,他不过是篡夺了王位。那么,既然是他让你宣誓,你的这句誓言,大人,就是无效而不起法律作用的。 depose[diˈpəuz]v.罢官,免职,废黜,置放,罢免,宣誓作证 ◇depose from office开除公职 depose to(在法庭上)作证 ‖ deposable adj.可废除的,可罢黜的 deposal n.免职,废位 deposition n.革职,废王位,免职 |