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单词 department


‖ art department艺术系
dance department舞蹈系
department account部门账户
department accounting部门会计
department chairman系主任
department concerned主管部门
department head系主任
department in charge主管部门
department instruction分科教学
department law部门法
department manager部门经理
department manager部门主管
Department of Accounting会计系
Department of Archaeology考古学系
Department of Banking银行系
Department of Business Administration企业管理系
Department of Chinese Language and Literature中文系
Department of Computer Science计算机学系
Department of Conference Services会议局
department of correspondence instruction函授部
Department of Dance舞蹈系
Department of Defense国防部
department of dentistry牙医学系
Department of Diplomacy外交系
Department of Economic and Social Affairs经济社会局
Department of Economic Management经济管理系
Department of Economics经济
Department of Education教育部
Department of Education and Science教育和科学部
Department of Electrical Engineering电机工程系
Department of Electronics电子系
Department of Environmental Engineering环境工程学系
Department of Food Engineering食品工程系
Department of Forestry林学系
Department of Genetics Engineering遗传工程系
Department of Geography地理系
Department of Geophysics地球物理系
Department of Health and human Services公共健康与社会福利部
Department of History历史系
Department of Horticulture园艺系
Department of Industrial Design工业设计系
Department of Industrial Engineering工业工程系
Department of Industrial Management工业管理系
Department of International Economics国际经济系
Department of International Politics国际政治系
Department of International Relations国际关系系
Department of International Trade国际贸易系
Department of Journalism新闻系
Department of Justice律政司,司法部
Department of Labor劳工部
Department of Law法律系
Department of Library Science图书馆学系
Department of Literature文学系
Department of Management Science管理科学系
department of manuscripts手稿部
Department of Mathematics数学系
department of medicine医学系
Department of Music音乐系
Department of Navigation航海系
Department of Oriental Languages东方语言系
Department of Oriental Literature东方语言学系
Department of Philosophy哲学系
Department of Physical Education体育系
Department of Physics物理系
Department of Physiology生理学系
Department of Political and Security Council Affairs政治安全局
Department of Political Science政治系
Department of Printing印刷系
Department of Psychology心理学系
department of public relations (PRD)公共关系部
department of public security公安局
Department of Russian俄语系
Department of Sculpture雕塑系
department of social security社会保障机关
Department of Sociology社会学系
Department of Soil土壤系
Department of Spanish西班牙语系
Department of State国务院
Department of State’s Affairs management国务院机关事务管理局
Department of Survey测量系
Department of the Air Force空军部
Department of the Army陆军部
Department of the Navy海军部
Department of Theatricals戏剧系
Department of Tourist Management旅游管理系
Department of Tradition Chinese Painting国画系
Department of Transportation Management运输管理系
Department of Western Languages西方语言系
department stores百货公司,百货商店
drama department戏剧系
editorial department编辑部
literature department文学系
music department音乐系
oil-painting department油画系
Departments Directly under the State Council国务院直属机构
government departments 政府各部门
Schedule of Discrepancies for departments部门盘点差异表
departmental adj. 部门的
departmental accounting部门会计
departmental building部门专用大楼
Departmental Circular内务通告
departmental complaints procedure部门投诉程序
departmental consultative machinery部门协商制度,部门咨询机制
departmental discipline action内部纪律处分
departmental efficiency enhancement initiative促进部门效率的措施
departmental entertainment vote部门酬酢拨款
departmental establishment committee部门编制委员会
departmental grade部门职系
departmental instruction部门训令,内务训令
departmental leave roster部门休假表
departmental management部门管理
departmental manager部门主管人员,部门管理人员
departmental officer部门人员
Departmental Order for Provision of Services部门订购服务单
Departmental Order for Supply of Stores部门订货单
departmental pilot study部门试验研究
departmental plan部门工作计划
departmental policy部门政策,内务政策
departmental profit部门利润
departmental protectionism部门保护主义
departmental quarters部门宿舍
departmental records部门档案室
departmental representative部门代表
departmental secretary部门主任秘书,部门秘书
departmental selfishness本位主义
departmental staff部门人员
departmental standard部门标准
departmental standing instruction部门常务训令
Departmental Stock Verification Team部门存货查核小组
Departmental Stocktaking Report部门盘点报告
departmental teaching分科教学
departmental teaching plan分科教学计划
departmental transport部门专用车
departmental welfare officer部门福利主任
departmentalism n.本位主义,官僚作风
departmentalist n.本位主义者
departmentalized study分组活动





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