1. question,inquiry 问题,询问。
△Ham.3.1.13: “butof our demands/ Most free in his reply.”可是对于我们的问题,他的回答却是很慷慨的。
△Lr. 1 . 5 . 2: “Acquaintmy daughter no further with any thing you know thancomes from her demand out of the letter.” i. e. ques-tions arising from the letter. 她看过信有话问你,你才回答,不要把你知道的事都告诉她。
△H .VⅢ. 2 . 3 . 51 : “My goodlord,/ Not your demand ;”我的好大人,不值得你来问。
2. request要求。
△3H.VI. 3 . 3. 258: “Matter of mar-riage was the charge he gave me / But dreadful warshall answer his demand.” 他交托给我任务本来是磋商婚事,但是可怕的战争却来回答他的要求。
△L.L.L.5.2.387 (386):“why demand youthis?”你为什么问这个?
△Ham.4.5.128(130): “Lethim demand his fill.”i.e. Let him ask everything he wants. 让他问一个够。
△Lr.5.3. 63 (62): “Methinksour pleasure might have been demanded / Ere youhad spoke(= spoken) so far.”我想你在说这种话之前总该先问问我们的意愿。
△Oth.5.2.300 (301):“Will you,Ipray,demand that demi-devil / Why he hath thus en-snared my soul and body?”请你们问一问那个半人半鬼的东西,他为什么要这样陷害我的灵魂和肉体?
△1H.IV.1.2.4:“thou hast forgotten to demand that truly which thouwouldest truly know.”i.e.You have forgotten how toask that correctly which you would really know.(Fal-staff is indulged in eating,drinking,sleeping andwenching and has no regard for time,which is some-thing quite irrelevant to him.)你忘记了问你自己真正想要知道的事情。
△H.V.5.2.32:“If I demand,before this royal view,”如果我当着两位皇上的面询问一下。
△H.VIII.1.2.153:“did of me demand / What was the speechamong the Londoners / Concerning the French jour-ney.”他曾问过我关于陛下的法国之行,在伦敦的市民当中都有些什么议论。
2. question盘问,审问。
△Ham.4.2.12:“to be deman-ded of(= questioned by) a sponge.”被一块海绵来盘问。3. inquire for,ask for again询问,要回。
△Oth.3.4188 (189): “I like the work well,ere it bedemanded. / As like enough it will,I would have itcopied.”我很喜欢这花样,所以趁它被人要回去以前(很可能会有人来要的),我想把花样描下来。
~vi. ask,inquire 问,询问。
△Lr.3.2.65:“Which evenbut now,demanding after you,/ Denied me to comein,”(Which: the people in which) i.e.The dwellersin it a short time ago refused to let me in when I askfor you. (“Demanding” modifies “me” in the nextline.)我刚才去那里打听过你,可是他们不让我进去。
demand of: inquire about打听。
△2H.VI.2.1.174(171):“Demanding of King Henry’s life and death,/And other of your Highness’ Privy Council,”打听亨利王和陛下枢密院其他人的生死祸福。
◇ (be) in demand需要,需求
be in great demand大量需求(要)…/demand for reimbursement索赔
demand for restitution要求赔偿
demand from要求,强求
demand of view被告要求查验
demand (ing) with menaces敲诈,勒索
exceed the demand供过于求
in demand需求,有需要
make demands of需要
on demand在受到要求时
‖ demand analysis需求分析
demand assignment system按需分配制
demand bill见票即付支(汇)票
demand carried forward结转需求
demand certificate活期存单
demand characteristics需求特征
demand check即期支票
demand cheque即期支票
demand compensation索赔
demand currency存款货币
demand curve需求曲线
demand deposit活期存款
demand draft即期汇票
demand draft buying即期汇票银行买入价格
demand element需求项目
demand exceeds supply供不应求
demand for advances对贷款的需求(量)/demand for bank funds对银行贷款的需求
demand for capital对资本的需求量
demand forecast需求预测
demand for currency现金需求量
demand for finance对资金的需求
demand for investment投资需求
demand for money货币需求量
demand for talents人才需求
demand forecast需求预测
demand for money function货币需求函数
demand game需求对策
demand history需求记录
demand inflation需求膨胀
demand keeps pace with supply保持供需平衡
demand loan活期借款
demand loan department活期贷款部
demand mortgage活期抵押贷款
demand mortgage loan活期抵押贷款
demand note付款通知书,即期票据,交费通知
demand obligation随时支付的债务
demand or call deposit活期存款
demand-oriented pricing需求导向定价法
demand outdistances supply需大于供
demand over supply供不应求
demand parameter需求指标
demand payment of an old debt追讨
demand performance催告履行义务
demand possession要求引渡
demand price需求价格
demand promissory note即期本票
demand promotion刺激需求
demand-pull inflation由需求引起的通货膨胀
demand rate兑现率
demand-related stress有关需求压力
demand relation需求关系
demand schedule需求表
demand-side economics需求经济学
demand structure需求结构
demand the payment of a debt or loan讨债
demand theory需求论
demand variable需求变量
potential demand潜在需求
demandable adj. 可要求的
demandant n. 原告,提出要求者demandant of extradition引渡请求书
demander n.要求者,请求者
demanding adj.强求的,苛求的