释义 |
defeatn. 1. failure失败。 △H.V.1.2.211: “So may a thousandactions,once afoot.╱End in one purpose. and be allwell borne╱ Without defeat. ”因此上千件工作,动起手来,能达到同一目的,而且全都可以顺利进行,不致失败。 2. ruin. destruction. overthrow 灭亡,毁灭,颠覆。 △ Ham.2.2.605 (570): “Upon whose property andmost dear life╱A damned defeat was made.”他的一切所有甚至连他宝贵的生命都被人无耻地消灭了。 △Ham.5. 2.58: “Their defeat / Does by their own insinuation grow.”他们要巴结讨好,就自取灭亡。 △ H.V.1.2.105:“Edward the Black Prin ce,/ Who on the Frenchground played a tragedy ( i.e. the battle ofCrecy,1346),/ Making defeat on the full power of France.”黑太子爱德华.他曾在法兰西土地上演出一场悲剧,使得法国全军覆没。
defeatvt. 1.disappoint,frustrate,annul,make void使落空,挫败,取消,使无效。 △H.VIII.2.1.13: “and alleged ╱ Manysharp reasons to defeat the law.”提出许多强有力的理由使得法律的作用无效。 2. cheat. defraud欺骗,诈骗, △H.V.4.1.177(166):“Now. if these men have defeated the law and outrunnative punishment.”现在,如果这些人骗过了法律,逃脱了国内的惩罚。 △ Mid.4.1.162 (156): “They would havestol'n away,they would. Demctrius,Thereby tohave defeated you and me: ╱ You of your wife. andme of my consent.”他们打算私奔,狄米特律斯,他们用这种手段欺弄你我:使你得不到妻子,使我的许诺落空。 3. mar,disfigure,disguise. alter毁损,毁损外貌,伪装,改变。 △ Oth.1.3.346(340):“defeat thy favour with an usurped beard.”装上一把假胡子,改变你的相貌。 4. destroy. undo摧毁.毁灭。 △Oth.4.2.160:“And hisunkindness may defeat my life.”他的无情会毁灭我的生命。 defeat[diˈfi:t]v.战胜,击败,败诉,作废,使失效,挫败n.战胜,战败,挫折 ◇ defeat in detail各个击破 in defeat and victory无论成败 take one’s defeat lying down甘心失败 ‖ defeat by knock-out被击倒失败 defeat suit case败诉案件 defeated country (nation)战败国 defeated suit败诉 defeated suitor败诉人 defeating justice使司法执行无法实施 defeatism n. 失败主义 defeatist n.失败主义者 adj.失败主义的 |