释义 |
deceivedpa. p. 1. mistaken错了 △As.1.2.212(197): “pray heaven I be deceived in you!”祈求上天但愿我错看了您! △Rom.2.4.106 (98): “O. thou art deceived;” 啊,你错 了 △ Rom.5.1.29:“Tush. thou art deceived. ”胡说,你错了。 △ Ham.2.2.401 (375): “but my uncle-father andaunt-mother are deceived ” (Hamlet is thinking oftheir belief that he is mad.)可是我的叔父父亲和我的婶娘母亲却弄错了。 △1H.VI.5.4.72: “You are deceived.my child is none of his,/ It was Alencon that enjoyedmy love.”你们错了,我的孩子并不是他的,享受我的爱情的是阿朗松。(按:此等情节均系剧作者捏造。) △3H.VI.1.1.155:“Thou art deceived.”你错了。 △3H.VI.5.4.64: “Buthe’s deceived.we are in readiness.”但是他错了,我们已有了准备。 2. cheated of one’s expectation,disappointed 失望。 △H.VIII.pro.13: “Only they That come to hear amerry. bawdy play,/ A noise of targets,or to see afellow In a long motley coat guarded with yellowWill be deceived.” 只有那些人,他们来到这里想听一段快活、淫秽的戏文,刀剑击盾之声,或者想看见一个身穿长长的、镶黄边的彩衣的小丑,却不免要感到失望。/ Oth.4.1.293 (282): “Iam sorry that I am deceived in him.”我很遗憾,我对他失望了。 |