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单词 deadly


1 . deathly,death-like死一般的,像死亡一样的。
△Com.4.4.95 (93):“their pale and deadly looks.”他们那惨白的脸色。
△Gent.3.1.172: “And Silvia is myself: ban-ished from her ╱ Is self from self,a deadly banishment .”西尔维娅就是我自己:离开她就是离开我自己.这是死 一样可怕的放逐。
△ Tw.1.5.286 (265): “such a deadlylife.” i.e. a life which is like death. 那样像死一样的生活。
△Lr.5.3.292 (291):“Nor no man else. (i.e. Noone else,but indeed that man.) All’s cheerless,dark.and deadly.”我就是他,并非别人。现在一切都是凄凉、阴暗,像死亡一般。(按:Nor no man else一句话又解作 Not I.nor anyone else is welcome.i.e.this is no time forformal greetings.卞之琳译作:“无可欢迎”)
△ 1H.VI.2.4.124: “this brawl today. Grown to this faction inthe Temple Garden. Shall send between the RedRose and the White/ A thousand souls to death and dadly night.”今天这次争吵,在圣殿花园里发展成为派别纠纷,将要把红玫瑰和白玫瑰两派中的上千人送入死亡和死亡一般的黑夜。
2. causing death,mortal致死的,致命的。
△Mac.4.3.214:“Let’s make us medicine of our great revengeTo cure this deadly grief.”让我们用大复仇做药剂来治疗这极惨的悲痛。
△3H.VI.2.6.27: “The air hath got intomy deadly wounds,”空气已经侵入了我的致命的伤口。
3. irreconcilable,implacable不能和解的,毫不留情的。
△1H.IV.3.1.191 (190): “This is the deadly spitethat angers me.”这真是让我恼怒得要命的事。
△2H.VI.3.2. 314: “With full as many signs of deadly hate,”带着许许多多无情的仇恨表示。
△R.III.4.5.2: “That in thesty of the most deadly boar My son George Stanleyis franked up in hold.”我的儿子乔治·斯坦莱现在正被禁闭在那头最无情的野猪的牢圈里。(按: deadly又作bloody=murderous. cruel.“杀人的”,“冷酷无情的” )
4. murderous,aiming to kill,cruel杀人的,一意杀人的,残酷的。
△R.III.1.3.225(224): “No sleep close up thatdeadly eye of thine,/ Unless it be while some tor-menting dream / Affrights thee with a hell of uglydevils!”你那双一意杀人的眼睛永远不能闭上安睡,除非做一场噩梦,在梦中有大群丑恶的魔鬼从地狱里出来惊吓你!
5. entailing death or destruction带来死亡或毁灭的。
△Lr.4.2.34:“She that herself will sliver anddisbranch ╱ From her material sap,perforce mustwither,/ And come to deadly use.” i.e. be used asdead wood for burning.一根树枝若是硬使自己与滋养的树液脱离和割断.就一定要枯萎.当做干柴烧掉。
6. damnable,detestable该死的,可恶的。
△Rom.3.3.24:“O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness!”啊,可怕的罪过! 啊.鲁莽的忘恩!
deadly doom: sentence of death死刑判决。
△Gent.3.1.185:“to fly his deadly doom.”逃避这死刑判决


1. mortally. implacably 你死我活地,毫不留情地
△ 3H.VI.1.4.84: “Alas,poor York,but that I hatethee deadly. I should lament thy miserable state.”唉呀,可怜的约克,要不是因为我对你怀着不共戴天的仇恨.我也会哀叹你那悲惨的境遇。
2. implacably. aiming to kill毫不留情地.有杀机地
△R.III.1.4.178 (169):“How darkly and deadly dost thou speak!”你说话的样子多么阴沉、带有杀机!





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